The evidence assignment is underway, the hardest and most challenging assignment of our class--Next we'll try and form resolutions around each topic that we can agree on within each debate group--Our final topics included: Facebook, Somalian Pirating and the Egyptian political crisis--we eliminated everything else, right? For this blog we'll explore how one topic is open to a variety of cases as each of you tries your hand at a version of the resolution. Remember you want a prima facie case, or case that can stand on its own merrit.
--So please post your name, the topic that you signed up for (if absent, claim a topic from the list above here) and then declare a resolution, (or proposition, same thing, basically the 'thesis of your debate) in the affirmative (worded on the side of the govt) which you think would lead to a good, hearty, lively debate --I want you to avoid getting into much detail here as we are so early in the "discovery" process, as they refer to 'evidence gathering' in courts of law--try to stay open to all sorts of possiblities and let your research guide you towards a case, ok? If you find yourself planning details already, such as what to say and how to debate your topic....WHOA!!!! ----you are jumping ahead SMARTY! Back up, just read and absorp as much info on your topic as you can without evaluating it or categorizing it just yet...Please read all the other entries to be sure your reslotuion is different than your classmates--for extra credit, please offer constructive feedback on the topics you DID NOT sign up for, using our COMM 311 course vocabulary.
My topic: Legalizing Pot (just an example topic)
My Resolution: Resolved: The City of Sacramento should only open weGROW marijuana dispenseries located right next door to or inside of hopitals and doctors' offices in order to regulate traffic and allow for optimum policing
SAMPLE ex cr feedback on resolution: Good job Sandra (if that is your REAL name....???) Legalizing pot in Sacramento has been so controversial, I would reword your resolution by adding a "reservation" (according to Toulmin in our book, these are "exception" or "unless" clauses that show your willingness to accomodate the opposition a bit.) I'd reword your resolution like this: Sac should restrict weGROW pot dispensaries to hospital and medical settings except those within 1 mile of public and private schools.
My topic: U.S. involvement in Egypt.
My resolution: Resolved: The United States should support and aid Egypt in its efforts to elect a new leader, regardless of the possibility that said new leader may not support Egypt's ties to the United States in the future.
-Melissa Leonard
My Resolution:The Obama Administration should get involved to stop Somali Piracy, as it is the duty of the United States to protect citizens who travel on the high-sea. Dimo Katabe
Jenny: U.S. involvement in Egypt crisis
THB: The U.S. government should aid the Egyptian people in electing leaders for a democratic republic.
Topic: U.S. involvement in Egypt Crisis.
Resolution: THB: The United States of American should aid Egypt in electing a new leader under the circumstances of an unstable Egyptian government.
Garrette Adams
Topic: us involvment in Egypt
Resolved, the united states should be involved in the reformation of the egyptian government.
Topic: U.S involvement in Egypt.
Resolved: The United States should get involved in the crisis in Egypt to try to ensure a Democratic Republic and pro American leader.
-Reachel Ramsay
Topic: Somalian Pirating
Resolved: The United States shouldn't intervene in stopping Somali piracy.
"My resolution: Resolved: The United States should support and aid Egypt in its efforts to elect a new leader, regardless of the possibility that said new leader may not support Egypt's ties to the United States in the future.
-Melissa Leonard"
Your resolution sounds good. However, it sounds like you have two concepts going on: 1)a 'Policy' of U.S. involvment and 2)'fact/value' that U.S involvement in aiding in electing a new leader isn't for the benefit of the U.S
-Raiza Agutos
my topic: somalian piracy
my resolution: resolved, there should the U.S. Navy should do constant patrols around areas that are high risk for somalian piracy.
-neal vickers
My Topic: U.S. involvement in Egypt
My Resolution: The U.S. should be involved in helping Egypt elect a new leader into a democratic government.
Michael Drummond
Topic: U.S. involvement in Egypt
Resolution: The United States should attempt to help our current allies of Egypt in forming a more organized and efficient government.
Michael Balalis
Resolution: We should shut down Facebook becuse it encourages cyberbullying.
MY TOPIC: Facebook
Resolution: Facebook should be shut down due to the security risks that it poses to both its users and the community at large.
Nic Romney
My Topic: US Involvement in Egyption Crisis.
Resolution: The United States should not get involved in the current political revolution in Egypt.
King Xiong
Topic: Egypt/Middle East
Resolved: The unstable middle east is not yet ready for democracy. While it is unfortunate that dictatorships lead to human rights violations, only a single source political leadership can keep countries in the middle east stable.
-Brandon Morgan
My topic: Facebook
Resolution: Facebook should be shut down in an effort to stop cyberbullying
-Ashley Ginn
My Topic:
Resolution: Together, we should shut down but it directly and dramatically encourages bullying amongst all ages
Adriana Quin
My topic: Egypt
My resolution: Resolved: Because of it's past stability and longevity, Egypt government should return to it's Pharaohic roots, and America should assist however possible.To be allies with an empire as large Egypt once was (and could be again) would be a good move for our country.
Topic: US involvement in Crisis in Egypt
Resolution: The US should aid in reforming a more stable and efficient government over in Egypt.
Katharine Baskins
Topic: U.S. involvement in Egypt Crisis.
Resolution: THB: The United States of American should aid Egypt in electing a new leader under the circumstances of an unstable Egyptian government.
-Alex Soohoo
(Forgot to put my name earlier)
Topic: Somalia Pirates
Resolution: The U.S. should become involved in stopping piracy. To free all hostages.
Ying Vang
topic: social networking
resolution: as a social network generation, facebook has caused the erosion of social responsibility.
Topic: Social Networking
Resolution: As a social networking generation facebook has caused the erosion of social responsibility.
-melissa barger
Topic: Egypt
Resolution: THB that the United States should stop providing Egypt with support and Egypt should start paying back the US the 1.3 billion we give them anually.
Topic: Egypt
Resolution: THB that the United States should stop providing Egypt with support and Egypt should start paying back the US the 1.3 billion we give them anually.
Kavi Lal
Topic: Somalian Pirating
Resolved: Th United States should help the Somalian Government to end Somalian Pirating.
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