Wednesday, April 05, 2006

What Bugs YOU?: Post Due 4/14 Coms 2 and Coms 5

Hi There! With all this rain, it is hard to really focus on spring, but we only have 5 weeks left, can you believe it??? For this blog, please respond to the following question in five sentences or so, incorporating in concepts from either interviews and resumes (coms 5) or persona and voice (coms 2).

WHAT REALLY GETS ON YOUR NERVES??????????????????????
Homie-blogger Sandra


Anonymous said...

What really gets on my nerves you asked? Well, a lot of things but at this point i would have to say that what really bothers me is not knowing what to expect and waiting.

Not knowing what will happen in the future or what the answer is to my own questions. i am constantly thinking about what i should do and what i need to do and if I am falling behind or not. For example i have been looking at summer course, fees, and papers for this summer and for the next semester and it's so stressful. The paper work itself is not that hard to do but it’s just the thought out it that’s bugging me so much because they are so important that you have to put more thought into it even if it’s very simple. A single number off or word off on a important form will change everything. I feel so lost, like i am left out or something. I try to do what i need to do but at the same thing i am always doubting myself thinking "is there something i forgot to do too?, this is too simple! There must be more to it." I think i tend to think too much about little thing which is bad because it causes to me to be worry most of the time.
Also waiting gets on my nerves a lot too. Waiting for that paper that tells you if you pass or not, or waiting in line. I remember when I used to go to the dentist at Greenback, it took so long for the dentist to see me even if there were many dentist working at the time. An appoint set at noon wasn’t until 3 or 4pm. That really bothers me because that time I was waiting there waiting to be call back I could have done so much other things that are important too. Waiting for so long and when you finally get called the dentist spend not event 25 minutes on you. So I was also mad that I wasted so much time and they didn’t spend much time examining my teeth. But I had found a solution to this problem by changing to a new dentist Downtown which treats me great, so I am not waiting anymore at the dentist.

Anonymous said...

Lately what really gets on my nerves are impatient customers, or rude customers. I work retail so i have to deal with them every now and then. They ask a question and when i explain they keep asking the same ones over and over again. Or when They have an attitude because their day did not go right. I will not take that from a customer. I will let them know how i am feeling if they give me crap over unecessary crap!

Anonymous said...

Rene Perez
Coms 2
Sorry again sandra It's the comment above. Customers

Anonymous said...

What really gets on my nerves when people are to busy to remeber their manners. We choose to be too busy to say,"thank you or "excuse me" for bumping into someone. In addition, rudeness is getting to the point where people will give you the finger or use some type of foul language,without even thinking twice. People are becoming ruder because we are too busy to be polite.Too many people are forgetting their manners.

Anonymous said...

What really gets on my nerves are people that never make eye contact with you when you talk to them. It gives me the impression that the person does not want to listen to you and what you have to say. I am always striving and pursuing recognition from people and I do my best to make them listen to me. However, if after all that I have given to them still results to no eye contact, then the only answer is to say what I have left to say to them, end the conversation, and continue to converse with someone else. Maybe other people will have more respect to make eye contact.

Anonymous said...

Coco Wong
Coms 5

What really gets on my nerves are people that never make eye contact with you when you talk to them. It gives me the impression that the person does not want to listen to you and what you have to say. I am always striving and pursuing recognition from people and I do my best to make them listen to me. However, if after all that I have given to them still results to no eye contact, then the only answer is to say what I have left to say to them, end the conversation, and continue to converse with someone else. Maybe other people will have more respect to make eye contact.

Anonymous said...

What really get on my nerves are crazy and rude drivers. It drives me up the wall when I am driving on the road and a car cut me off. Hello, don't you see my car!!! ugghhh... It irritates me most when I am driving and a car makes a turn when it is impossible to make the turn. For example, I was driving straight and this idiot decides to make a fast left turn, In order to prevent an accident I had to slam on my brakes. To piss me even more off is that the driver starts to laugh and slap his buddy a high five. Secondly, I get so steamed when the driver are being careless by doing their makeup, combing their hair or what not and then slides onto my lane. In order to prevent an accident I had to completely jerk my car to safety. I must rest my frustration here, Before you get an whole essay. Thanks Sandra this blog helped me relieve some of my frustration!!!
Bouala Vannalee

Anonymous said...

What really get on my nerves are people who do not return phone calls. Or people who say they are going to call you back and then don’t. This is most likely because one of my best friends does it to me all the time. This gets on my nerves because it makes me feel like I am unwanted, and stupid. This also makes me feel obligated to call the person back and I all ways do.

robert miller

Anonymous said...

What gets on my nerves is when people act one way when they first meet you and then they want to start acting another way later. It makes me irritated because I liked you for who you were in the beginning not who you are going to turn into. I hate when people do that it makes me think that everything they do is a lie and they aren't being themselves.

-Alcidia Lewis Coms 5

Anonymous said...

Since the rain hasn't stopped and everyone is getting sick the thing that gets on my nerves is the constant sniffling. I am not talking about a sniffle here or there but the deep throaty sniffles that sounds like the person has to spit. Ewwwwww it just grosses me out!! After listening to it all class period I can't focus because I am just waiting to her it again. I don't like listening to the sounds of flem. If you were to go on an interview you would want to make sure you take care of all your bodily functions so that you can make a very good first impression.

Kayla Paulick (comms 5)

Anonymous said...

Something that really bothers me is peoples lack of respect today. Some many issues could be solved today if people had more respect for themselves, others and their enviornment. Why is it so easy for people to rattle off swear words or the finger. My neighbor and her mother do it to each other all the time. If I ever did that to my parents even as an adult I know that there would be some major reprocussions. What about respect for others? So many people lack this. I think it is ridculous how rampant crime is today. Petty theft is ridiculous. Just pay for the pack of gum or the CD whats the big deal? Also, another thing that gets on my nerves is people's lack of respect for our enviornment. How hard is it to save something to put it in the trash. There are so many public garbage cans around now a days its really not that hard to put something in the trash and not litter. I think our society today lacks respect. Be polite and curteous. Respect yourself, others and your enviornment. And don't forget to send thank you notes!!!! -L.Goldberg

*I finally remembered!

Anonymous said...

what really piss me off is al u guys talkin about the rain. Rain is good. wats wrong wit a little rain. your the one to blame, its called global warming!!! i ilke the rain, rain goooood. nice nap time. how can u guys not like walkin in the spring rain? CraZYYYY

Anonymous said...

I have many things that gets on my nerves but at the top of my list are lazy people. Everything that I have accomplished in my life, I have worked hard to achieve these things. I have never received anything in my life without having to work for it. The reason why I despise a lazy person/ people is because a lazy individual expects results but does nothing to make those results happen for themselves. Also a lazy person rides on others coattails and expects to receive all of the benefits of others hard work and labor when they have not done any work themselves.For example a lazy student that complains about their grade of a D in a class even though they do not show up to class half the time and when they do show up to class. As you can tell lazy people get on my nerves!!!!

Anonymous said...

hmm, I get really mad when someone finds my candy or my other goodies in the fridge esspecially, when its not opened yet. I try hiding my favorite chocolates behind the vegetables in our fridge so my siblings wont steal them! I get really mad when they try steal some of mine when they already have some of their own! I also hate going to our local library now! It use to be soo quite, now its just noisy! I mean what the hell?? even the librarian is loud talking on a cell phone! in the library? hmm, lets see what else...oh yeah, I hate it when people yell, that gets on my nerves! I see no reason for people to yell when they are right next to you! geeeez!

Anonymous said...

What really gets on my nerves is hypocrites and complainers. I just hate it when someone complains about my faults and throw it in my face everyday. ITS NOT LIKE I DONT KNOW MY FAULTS OK! I know it, its just that its hard to change and its like part of me, like it or not. Oh and hypocrites, gosh they piss me off sometimes because if someone tell me not to do this or not to do that I expect them not to do it too, but they do. Ok I'll end it here, I don't want to sound mean.

Bee Moua

Anonymous said...

I have many things that tick me of them is perky people..don't you just love them. There so nice, and always happy...well guess what life isn't a;ways like that. Lets face the truth life isn't pink and perfect!!!

Elizabeth Zepeda

Anonymous said...

What really gets on my nerves are people who can't drive and traffic. I swear if people could only drive, it would reduce accidents and road rage. I hate people who drive too slow, tail gate, don't signal, etc... I can't stand traffic. It prolongs you to your destination. I hate having to stop then go; driving about 10mph. Thanks to music! Listening to good music is the only thing that keeps me sane.
Melanie M. Coms 2

Sandra said...

Well--I hate waiting in line!!!!!
Keep up the great wor--Sandra

Anonymous said...

What really gets on my nerves are slobs. My roommate is such a person. We share a bathroom, and she doesn't lift a finger to keep it clean. She never dumps the trash, never wipes up her globs of make-up from the sink and never picks up the several thousand strands of hair that litter the entire room. I don't even understand how it's possible to lose that much hair that regularly and not be completely Costanzafied. I held out as long as I could, in a twisted game of chicken, to see if she would clean anything up if the room got too filthy. She didn't, so I had to break down and clean it yesterday. I lost.

So this is why slobs get on my nerves. I also don't care much for the elderly, but that's another topic for another day.

Brandon Wolfe
Coms 2

Anonymous said...

What really bugs me is when I am driving with someone and they are trying, unsuccessfully, to move into another lane, but don't have their blinker on. My sister does this constantly and it ticks me off! She will yell at the other drivers because nobody will let her over. But how in the world are other drivers going to know she wants to change lanes if her freakin blinker isn't on indicating so??? They can't read her mind. If only people would always use their blinkers, other drivers would take notice and courteously allow them room to come over. Simple as that- save the yelling, cursing and screaming...just put on your damn blinker.
~Shelby S. coms 002

Anonymous said...

What really ticks me off are people who get ticked off too easy. Calm yourself and relax. Go take a walk. Give yourself a break with a Kit-Kat bar or something. If life gets semi-lightweight hectic, use your head and take control of the situation. I know life can be frustrating, strenuous, and often dissapointing, but suck it up. Why let the little hurdles in life shake you? What good does that do? Rise above it and hold your head up high. Be a boss rookie.

J Reese
ComS 2

Anonymous said...

What gets on my nerves?

Slow drivers get on my nerves. I hate it when people drive in the fast lane and drive only speed limit. I guess that makes sense because it is the area's speed limit; however its tough when you're trying to go somewhere and they could be so kind to move to the next lane. :) Erica O. Coms 2

Anonymous said...

what really gets on my nerves are stinky people. I know that sometimes a person may not have access to cleaning stuff, but there should be no need to smell like you never heard of deodorant or soap. I have a sensitive nose and the mustiest smell can turn my mood upset down and make me very angry for the time being. I am not a rude person but when a person that reeks comes and sits in my area and alters me from breathing normal, we have a problem. I won't say anything but politely get up and relocate. I hate that this is a downfall because smelly people can be the nicest people, but I can't get to know a person personaly if I can't stand being around their stinch.

Ashley Davis coms 2

Anonymous said...

What really TICKS me off is when people don't know when to shut up...I hate how people can just say whatever they want when they feel and not think about what their saying...I know there is such a thing as Freedom of Speech but come on, lets not be rude...Lets watch what we say...
Joy B Coms 2

Anonymous said...

The fact that a majority of people tiptoe around whats really on their mind can sometimes bother me a bit. People have a dire need to feel accepted and please other people which can lead to some saying what they think you need to hear. Growing up with an amazing/trustful family has directed me in a somewhat naive path which I am thankful for, but at the same time frustrating in a world where Id like to believe everyone is naturally good. Fortunately and unfortunately actions speak louder than words making it easier to decipher those who can reflect ones own personality and/or agenda. I do realize fear of being hurt is a main cause for this (something I share) which brings me back to square 1.5 - wanting to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

-MJ Hernandez

Anonymous said...

What really gets on my nerves is having three midterms on the same day! That means I have to study all weekend long. Even though it's probably going to rain this weekend it's no fun having to stay inside most of the time in my room studying while my roommates are having fun. It will probably be a good idea to make something similar to an interview guide to plan my schedule for the rest of the week to divide up my time. It could also be useful to make a sort of guide for all of my midterms so I could be sure to study and cover the most important topics for each test.

Lisa B.
Coms 5

Anonymous said...

Melanie H. COMS 2

What really gets on my nerves is people talking on cell phones when they are in social situations, such as a party or a date. I have witnessed this phenomenon myself and it is incredibly rude. I mean, does someone ask you out hoping that conversation with you will be kept to a minimum? Or does someone invite you to a party hoping you will spend the entire time talking to the people you would rather be with? I say, if you are with people you care about( or at least need to pretend you care about, to be nice) then hang up and strike up a conversation with you people you are actually truly socializing with. It is good manners.

Anonymous said...

The thing that really ticks me off are guys who approach females in the rudest ways. I am not saying all guys do this but, too many do. First of all no females name is hey girl! Their names are also not girl in the pink shirt or whatever color a she is wearing. Maybe if certain guys approached females with the good sense God gave them, they would be acknowledge. Also, yelling out of your car window is not the way to get a girl. I mean what happened to the chilvary guys? What happened to going up to a female and introducing yourself? Oh yea and certain guys need to be a man about rejection instead of using foul language toward the female who rejected you.!

Anonymous said...

The thing that ticks me off is females at the clubs trying to get drinks for free off of me. The girls dont realize i aint trying to get with you, the last thing i want is some chick looking for a sugar daddy. I swear after im done dancing for a bit and am like imma get a drink, they follow you and give you that look, like arent you gonna buy me one too. My answer is NOPE get your own damn drink. But it annoys me that some ramdom girls expect guys to buy their drinks all night. Im good looking enough for girls to buy my drinks hehehe

Adam Tibon coms 2

Anonymous said...

You know what really ticks me off is when a baby has hella food on their face. I mean i know its a baby but still wipe that shit off. And its not like most babies arnt already fat so why are their parents letting them paint thier face with chocolate cake. And hell if the parents do give them shit to paint their face with at leaste wipe it off there face after they are done. Thats all. =)
Brian Lamphiear Coms2

Anonymous said...

LoL, I like the last two. They're funny and true.

Anonymous said...

Kaliicye Richardson: Weell, I'm not really sure how I am going to incorporate resumes and interviews into this but I will try. The thing that really gets on my nerves is when some one drinks the last of the Kool-Aid or juice or whatever and puts it back in the refridgerator with just a drop left....SO ANNOYING!. So how that ties into resumes and interviews, it's going to be kind of a stretch. I guess if a resume is to vague or an interviewer does not give enough information about a certain job could be similar because you are wanting to know more but can't; just like with the juice you want more but there isn't any.

Anonymous said...

I cannot stand LIARS/Fake people. Either way they are equvalent to each other; if your a liar than your fake and if your fake you must have lied. Just keep it real! I would never expect something from anyone that I wasn't willing to give so I definetly tell the truth and just do me which is real as can be. I'm not in to BS and games...if it's not honesty keep it away from me. This applies to interviews and resumes because if you lie you'll just eventually get caught up like in real life. If your fake to an interviewer, coworker, or current boss your true colors will eventually shine through. The truth will prevail so why even lie?

Anonymous said...

The post about LIARS/ fake people was posted by the realest Kati K. Coms 5!

Anonymous said...

What really bugs, to some extent me is how people walk around with ipods in their ears. By doing this, they send the message that they don't wish to be bothered, and that should you do so you will be imposing greatly seeing as how they have to take the time to turn the music off, or remove their ear buds. I mean, sometimes it's okay to listen to your music, but it has become such a phenomenon, that practically everywhere you look, at Sac State, whether you are walking in the quad, or sitting in the Union, if you are in a relatively crowded place you will see at least four or five people with them in their ears. To me it just seems that some of them are closing themselves off from interaction with the rest of the world.
Naomi D
Coms 2

Anonymous said...

I wrote my Essay about how I HATE stupid people...they screw everything up.

You can read about it in my paper

-David Hine

Anonymous said...

i would have to say that procrastinators. why put something off to the last minute, like me doing this blog. but i didnt know about it. sorry. its the whole deal of knowing you have to do something and waiting til the last minute. it just really bothers me.
aaron coms5

Anonymous said...

Those little cars you see driving around with plastic glue on bumpers and the really loud, annoying mufflers get on my nerves. Most of the time they have nothing special under the hood, they are all stickers and show. I've beaten tons of them with my stock Miata, and even worse I've beaten a bunch of them with an old 1995 Subaru Legacy Wagon. Just fyi if you're not familiar with the car it's old and slow and usually get's its ass kicked by Camry's. One thing that does amuse me about these cars is often they are really slow but they think they're fast. I've been stuck behind so many of them that thought they were hardcore but were simply getting in my way. I've got one message for them, "wake up and move over!"

Anonymous said...

crap... I always forget my name and class.
I was the one complaining about annoying cars.

Coms 5

Anonymous said...

From Travis M 005 10-11
Well lets see here when it comes to talking about my resume i think mine it good. well of course anyone would say their writing and stuff is good, but i would say its perfect no. i think that i should have down jobs i had (if i had any) that would relate to my major. i think thats what a employeer would look at in the interview if u ever made it that far. well when it comes to the interview i think if i was a employeer i be a huge @$$ lol pray to God u dont have to deal with me in a interview lol.

Anonymous said...

What gets on my nerves are disrespectful men. I hate the fact that people can be so inconsiderate towards others. For instance, have you ever had a man yell out hey, or lil mama, and last but not least whistling. Don't they know that the results are much better when they approach you with some respect? Doesn't just get on your nerves.
Coms2 Mary

Anonymous said...

I can't stand direspectfull elderly people. It seems to me that half of them are bitter. They think the younger generation is out to get them. I try to respect the elederly all the time, but often times find that there the one that are fustrating in public. It's like they always want that particular special attention.

Kyle Rattay

Anonymous said...

You know what really grinds my gears? The weather this season. It is freakin the end of april and rain is predicted tommorow. The worst part is that it has been amazingly nice out the past two days and now its going to rain agian. Im ready to lay down my snowboard and pick up the wakeboard and head to the lake! Rain rain go away come back next season!

coms 5

travis white

Anonymous said...

i ment coms 2 on the post about haha

travis white

Anonymous said...

You wanna know what really on my nerves? When people who you think are your friends go and talk bad things about you behind your back. When you consider someone as being your friend and you talk to them, have a good time with them and consider them as a brother, then they go and do you wrong for no reason. People that are fake and talk about you then act like they are your best friend to your face are not people I want to associate myself with. People need to stay up and be real.

James Payne
ComS 2