Monday, February 20, 2006

Coms 2 and Coms 5: Blog Assigment #3

Okay, this is an all class post. Hello to you all from the Western Communication Conference in Palm Springs California. It is freezing down here! I showed my movie to a group of performance studies scholars today, I was very nervous. I got some good laughs, though!

Current Events: Regarding the recent landslide disaster in the Philipine Islands, tell me what it means to communication scholars. How can we help? What does our discipline have to offer in order to address natural disasters? Can you suggest a charity we should associate with if we want to contribute as a class or group? As students, what is our social responsibility? I am open to extra credit for ideas that can actually move our classes to action or those of you that are motivated to ACT in the face of the recent disaster. Think outside the box/act outside the classroom/make an active difference!--Sandra


Anonymous said...

Kyle Rattay_

What can we do to help? Well, for many of us it's hard to spen our time outside of class, work, families, etc. I agree it's hard to donate are time and even our money sometimes. I feel as a student I don't have much to offer to the people over in the Philipines. My best friend is Phillipino and his family lives in the Phillipines. Lucly his family is a right because they lived in a different area, but they said, the disasster was devistating. The only thing that comes to mind is mabee we could write to our legislature as a class explaining that we would .ike to organize an event to contribute to the horrific accident. The contribution could go to help rebuild, to help familes, and to provide aid. It has to start somewhere let's make it start here what does everyone think??

Anonymous said...

In the face of natural disasters, there is little anyone can do anything about since we as human cannot control the weather and predict when a natural disaster will occur. When a natural disaster hits anywhere in the world even those not physical effective by the disaster do feel the affects of it so what can we do to help? I agree with Kyle Rattay in saying that there is little we can do to help. The only way we can some what provide our help to send money but as Kyle says “it's hard to donate are time and even our money sometimes,” just spending money is nothing compare actually being there and helping the workers and people find survivors who might be buried under many foot of mug. It is sad to say that even if many of us would like to provide our help and assistant we may not be able to because we too are limited by what we have and what we can only do. I believe that a charity should be hold however there are already a lot of charities hold regarding other natural disasters incident that I fear creating a new private charity will not provide enough support to really help the Philippine. As a student, I believe that out social responsibility is to get the word out and ask our government for assistant and send support to the Philippine Islands because the government has more power and a stronger voice then one person trying to rise money.

Anonymous said...

Natural Disasters let us know we really can't do much to avoid them. However, we can still make donations and look into which organizations will accept what donations. I just got off the phone with someone from the American Red Cross and was informed that they are only accepting monetary donations right now. Even a small contribution would make a big diference. As students, it is our job to understand how serious the situation is and atl east educate others about it so maybe we can help those who can't help themselves.

Anonymous said...

When talked about the natural disaster, like yvonne said we can't avoid them. So how can we help them? Well,we can donate to those who need help and take care of them,give their new home and heart,not only material comfort but also spiritual.Recently I watch the TV it talked about in Africa have a lot of abandon
children who need help, if we want aid to them, the only thing need to do is giving a call ,tell them u want to help and pay $8 per months.So it's really easy procedure,and then you can support those kid,isn't it? However,The American Red Cross, a humanitarian organization led by volunteers, guided by its Congressional Charter and the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Movement, provides relief to victims of disasters and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. As students, our job is getting know more about the social problems in the world and take social responsibilty to help more peopel who confront the natural disaster. That we are supposed to do as much as we can.
-Coco coms5

Anonymous said...

What it means to me is that we can communicate with each other and help each other out to because a scholars.We can help by sending money to them and old clothes that we made not fit anymore.Our discipline offer that we should help each other in need rather then not helping at all.I think that we should ask chruches,big company and other places such as Food maxx.I soical responsibility is that we shound be soical with one other and we should learn how to network with each other.

Anonymous said...

I strongly believe that we should help in whatever we can. Due to the natural disasters there are many families who are left without anything. I agree with one of the students regarding collecting clothes, money and if possible can foods. As a group I think things get accomplish bigger and faster.

Anonymous said...

In regards to the recent landslide disaster in the Philippine Islands, communication scholars should take social responsibilities of creating methods of contributing somehow or someway. We can help by organizing a food and clothing drive which are the necessities to those victims. Also as a class we can host a charity dinner/dance at the Union with food sponsored by our local restaurants(especially Filipino restaurants) that are willing to participate in this event. Or even get in contact with some of the local Filipino organizations to find out what type assistance we could offer to them or arrange an event that could help their people.
-Melanie ComS 2

Anonymous said...

In regards to the recent landslide disaster in the Philippine Islands, communication scholars should take social responsibilities of creating methods of contributing somehow or someway. We can help by organizing a food and clothing drive which are the necessities to those victims. Also as a class we can host a charity dinner/dance at the Union with food sponsored by our local restaurants(especially Filipino restaurants)that are willing to participate in this event. Or even get in contact with some of the local Filipino organizations to find out what type assistance we could offer to them and arrange some kind of event to raise money to help their people.

-Melannie M.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone else in that natural disasters are obviously totally out of human control, so although we cannot take many precautions to prepare for them, we are in the position to lend aide and support in the aftermath. Red Cross is the first orginization that comes to my mind when thinking of all the disasters that have occurred in the last year. We are able to donate money, clothes, various food items, blankets, etc to send over to give to those that have lost everything. As a student, it may not be an option to give a monetary amount to the Red Cross, but we all know there are a few items in our closet that we just never wear!!! Even the smallest donations help, so I believe we should all encourage ourselves and those around us to help out in any way we can.
~Shelby S. coms 2

Anonymous said...

Oh man.. i didn't know about the landslide x.x that's my home country E.E.. Meh, as communication scholars we can definitely use our abilities to persuade the people around us that this IS important. Just like the things that are going on in Africa, there was that one group that formed with all the celebrities saying how we should help out. We could use the rhetoric appeals we know to tell the people out there the magnitude of the devestation there and the importance of helping one another. To get the message out there we could either write a letter to a paper, or we could even wear shirts or clothing that makes a reference to the disaster and raise awareness in school. We could also donate to major organizations that help with global disasters, but i feel that our biggest impact would be raising awareness of disasters such as this (since i myself didn't even know about this until.. now x.x)

~Jake M. Coms 2

Anonymous said...

I honestly had no idea there was a disaster in the Philipine Islands although I did research it after I read this blog. Disasters are obviously out of our hands like everyone else is saying when it comes to prevention but what we can do is lend a hand when it comes to charity and donations. There are huge charities such as the Tsunami Relief that are developed to help people in Asia so I'm assuming that the Red Cross will start a charity to help the people in the Philipines too. Donations are especially important, for instance, an old toy to us may be of no value but to a child who has nothing left, it can mean a lot. We as a whole should pay more attention to the little things we can do to help out. Although we may not realize it, all the little things we do put together can escalade into something huge. For instance, who would think by the year of 2006 everyone would have a yellow rubberband around their wrists?? hmmmmmmm.... That's right, Livestrong baby.

Lou Saelee
Coms 5

Anonymous said...

Well, of course like everyone said there really is no way to prevent a natural disaster. They are going to happen whether it's a tsunami, an earthquake, or a landslide. I do think we as human beings (from all over the world not just the US) should lend a helping hand, however I might add why do people always come to the US for help? I know we are the most powerful country in the world and we have the means and resources to help and we should.--it just bothers me. Of course the obvious thing to do is donate money and most people are familar with the Red Cross. See this kind of bothers me. I recognize we have a social responsibility but to whom? To our countrymen first? or to foreigners? Should be worrying about Katrina victims more or the Phillipines? I'm not really familiar with what a communication major has to offer these circumstances. Maybe start a drive put out advertisements.. have a drive? -Lauren

Anonymous said...

Melanie H.

As we study communication, we are learning how to do just that- communicate. Doing it well is what counts and is something that, as you read articles or see stories on tv about the result disaster in the Philippines, you relize can make huge difference. Basically my point is this: communication after a disaster has occurred can open people's eyes. We all probably had lengthy conversations with our families and friends after the disaster in New Orleans and those conversations probably taught us quite a few things that we would not have known otherwise. Through communication, people are generally moved to give either money or physical help or even prayer. Our class can help these people by giving to the Red Cross/Red Cresent organizations, which currently have teams working in the affected areas. They helped when there was a landslide in the Philippines(in the same area) in 2003. Red Cross organizations from the Philippines, New Zealand, Britain, and the United States (among others) have each contributed either people or money to the disaster relief efforts and they accept donations to help. We should set an example, as the future leaders of our nation, and bring people into this, as many are prone to forget when they are confronted with something daily. We have a lot of power and we should use it to help. Try to make an online donation.

Sandra said...

These are amazing thoughts and ideas, I aminspired by your thoughtful responses and honesty. We'll chat more on this in class. While we cannot stop the disasters such as this, we can surely help educate and support education on how to safely ensure the max protection from such natural events, ie: California's Retro-fitting for earthquake safety...of course there is lots of money here in Cali...Let's do a Red CRoss thing, that's what I did with my class for Katrina last semester, they make sure it goes right to the people, 100%...??????

Anonymous said...

I think that we can just help by raising awareness. I mean there is nothing we can do as far as provention but we can send package withs non parisable foods and help with non profit kinds of organizations like send money. We gotta get the word out that every bit helps, use our communications skills to get people involved. YAY!

Kharyn H.
Coms 2

Anonymous said...

COMS2 James Payne

What I would do is go down there to help the people in need. I do not have much to give but I'm the kind of person that will try to give what I can to the people around me. I believe it is the right thing to do, as when you do the right thing, good things come back to you in different ways.
This discipline can help by communcatating the basic message of people needing help and what supplies are needed.
A charity would be the Red Cross which is a gobal organiazation which is for people around the world.
Our soical responsibility is to help others who have less than us.
James P. CommS 2

Anonymous said...

Fpr communication scholars, the recent landslide disaster in the Philipine Islands is a perfect way for us to use our knowledge of communicating with others in order to help. There are so many different charities that we can donate to in order to help the people in the Philipines. As students, our social responsibility is the same of other people. The most obvious way we know how to help is through the donation of money, but for others it may be donating clothes, toys, etc. to the people there, writing letters to different organizations to try to get donations for the people in the Philipines.--Naomi Coms 2

Anonymous said...

As a Filipino, I am aware of the recent landslide disaster in the Philippine Islands. How can we help? I believe that there are a lot of things that we can do to help. There are many items that are in our homes that we can donate, i.e. clothes, canned goods, and for some, we can even donate money. We can all donate even if it is only a couple of cents. EVERYTHING COUNTS! I know for some of you, this landslide does not matter, but it matters to me because my aunt Nora and my uncle Steve lives there in Leyte, where the landslide occurred. When I called my family in the Philippines, my aunt had told me that the school was buried. She mentioned that there are over 200 students still buried underground. Let's communicate with everyone to let them know about this devastation in the Philippines and so that everyone can have an input and/or donate to those who are in need.
Joy B., Coms 2

Anonymous said...

As students we can make a difference by making sure people we know are aware of the disaster in the Philipines and how they can help. We can encourage those we know to make a monetary donation to the Red Cross. If people lack funds they can make donations of clothes, blankets....any thing will help. Sometimes we feel helpless in these situations and yet to donate whatever we can to help those in need can make a difference.
Joy....I pray that all of your family is safe.

Tara Coms 2

Anonymous said...

Daphne Massey

To be quite honest, I had no idea that a landslide had occurred in the Phillipine Islands. As a "communications scholar" this event should confirm and remind our society that we are in fact "humans" and that regardless of how modern and advanced our technology becomes that we(the government, military) can not control a natural disaster because such a disaster is spontaneous, unpredictable, and of course "natural" occuring. Therefore we are powerless to stop such a disaster from happening. Whenever people discuss the topic of how to help or prepare for a natural disaster, I feel that a person can best help those victimized by such a disaster is show them how to cope, to deal with, and to adapt to living in post-conditions caused by the disaster. Our discipline offers the skills of raising awarenes for natural disasters discussing how to adapt to living in and mentally dealing with post natural disaster condition. I really do not know of any charities our class could associate with to contribute to those victimized by the landslide. As a student, it is my responsibility to make sure that people become more aware and educated about the life altering effects of natural disasters.

Anonymous said...

The recent landslide disaster in the Philipine Islands has caused lots of damage and harm and the leaste would could all do is inform others about it if you can make a donation of anytime from money to clothes. The red cross has a specific link to donate for this disaster on their web site. Natural disaters can not be prevented but with the help of the rest of the world the victims of these disaters dont have to suffer as much. Every donated counts, so GOT DONATE SOMETHING!

Brian Coms 2

Anonymous said...

Bill Simmons. -COMS 2
The landslides that have hit the Philippines are among some of the recent disasters that have rocked our comfortable world. The issue is not one of communication so much as it is one of action. The leaders of charitable organizations, such as the international red cross and many religious organizations, as well as the local and national governmental leaders hold the primary responsibility to help rebuild the area. Natural disasters are horrible events, and for the most part unpredictable. The only thing that people can do is give of their time and money to help those affected. We, as students in California must put our efforts in monetary donations to afforementioned organizations if we want to really accomplish anything.

Anonymous said...

The landslides in the Philipines are definitely a sad disaster. I believe to communication scholars it means a time to communicate with eachother and begin some sort of fund to help the Phillipines. I know as college students most of us dont have much to give away but anything can help. I think in this time of need for the Philippines, America should be trying to help all they can. Although, America cannot forget about our own natural disaster survivors livng in a "tent city." Katrina hit almost 6months ago and still people are living with no running water, electricity, and with ecoli infected areas. As much as we need to help another country we must also be concerned about our own citizens so students should donate to the Landslide victims and the Hurricane victims

Anonymous said...

The landslides that happened in the Philipines can also relate to the natural disaster of hurricane katrina, we can't prevent these natural disaster's from happening, but we can at least try to donate food, clothes and shelter to the victims. The red cross website offer links to help donate to the poor victims that go directly to the people. I think everyone should take the time to think and be more aware that everyone has to make an effort to help, that we all of us can make a difference.

Anonymous said...

I haven't had a chance to read all of the posts yet but I thought I'd bring this up, it may be a repeat it may not. I have seen several of you say we should do something as if we aren't already, in some of the news articles you will find out that there were some US Marine Corps troops in the area (I believe) helping the local armed forces in some exercises. These men were actually the first or some of the first foreigners on the scene to help. Donations to the Red Cross would probably be the most effective considering they already have communication channels set up around the world and are very well equipped to attend disasters and international relief efforts. Another major point that I have noticed, and someone else mentioned that they had not heard about this, is a lack of world news. The US is often quite unaware of external events. I can't recall having heard anything about this from the news on TV, the only reason I had heard about it is I am always watching the website and there was a post about it. One last thing is that makes me somewhat sad is that many people do not think about donations and those who are worse off unless there is a disaster. There are people all over the world suffering all the time yet most people do not make donations unless prompted by some publicized calamity. I still would encourage anyone who can to donate whether there is a disaster or not, we can make more than just monetary or property donations, often company's such as the Red Cross can use volunteers as much as they can use money. My best wishes go out to the people of the Philipines and anyone who may have family there.

-Jason Coms 5-

Anonymous said...

I think communication scholars now have a civic duty to get the message across to stress the importance of togetherness and lending a helping hand. There are so many things we can do to help from canned food drives, bakes sales, to working hand in hand with the red cross. The red cross is definetly a good charitable fund to contribute to because 100% of the proceeds go to disaster victims. As students we have a responsibility to get involved; as compassionate beings we also have this responsibilty. When Hurricane Katrina hit the call center I work for took the calls, this is always a possibilty. I know the CEO of the company is always up for charitable acts. Also, the owner matched all the donations we as employees made and just our company alone made $1,000.

Anonymous said...

tony lam
communcatriong is the key to saving more peoples lives. they are studin how time can affect the outcomes, more worning time, action time and releif time it important to helpin the poeple in need before its too late. As a society the U.S. sucks when it comes to helping others out, mostly we give money to them,but most of it gets fillter through corps.I dont know of any charity but if some ne wants to donate some money or time they should look at where all their money is really goin, nonprofit in the busniess world dont mean they dont get paid and are not looking ot make a profit. I dont know about a social responsibility, i feel its more of how u feel, and what u think u should do. To ACT now, we and pic a chriety and start collecting money for it outside of class, the cans wit the nagging poeple always work on me, they appeal to ethos, hahaha.

Anonymous said...

i had no clue that there had been a
disaster in the phillipine islands!!i think that all we can do as helping human beings is to donate whatever we can even if it's just a penny. I'm sure that the red cross is already planning to help out in the phillipine islands. As a student, I believe that it is our social responsibility to to spread the word around about what is happening and get as much people as we can invovled to lend a helping hand anyway possible.
more her coms.5

Anonymous said...

As a communication scholar I feel it is important to discuss about the disaster so we could work together as a group to think of the best ways to help to victims. We need to get others aware of the situation so that more people could help. It is important to donate anything you can because the victims will be so greatful. Also, the red cross is a great organization to go through to donate things.

Lisa B.

Anonymous said...

I am incredibly embarassed to say that I was unaware of the landslide. But, now that I have been awaken to this disaster I think that there are probably more people out there who are clueless like myself. As coms majors I think it is our job to share this vital information in the most efficient and effective way. Prayer is the first step toward helping these people. Second would be to donate any items we as a class could come together and discuss. They have nothing every little bit counts. If red cross gives a hundred percent than red cross it is.

Anonymous said...

" Regarding the recent landslide disaster in the Philipine Islands, tell me what it means to communication scholars. How can we help? What does our discipline have to offer in order to address natural disasters? Can you suggest a charity we should associate with if we want to contribute as a class or group? As students, what is our social responsibility? I am open to extra credit for ideas that can actually move our classes to action or those of you that are motivated to ACT in the face of the recent disaster. Think outside the box/act outside the classroom/make an active difference!--Sandra"

Hey Sandra,
Regarding this disaster in PI I believe that it is our duty as Americans as well as communication scholars to speak out and help in any form we can; be it: money, prayer, writing, missionary work, etc. We defintely need to get ourselves out there, (if not physically) then spiritually and somehow look into what other ways they need help. Maybe get involved in our local red cross that is partaking in restoring that event. I am sure alot of damage has been done, and with our resources alot can be done to help out. Anyways, look at our disaster on Hurricance Katrina, and how much support the country offered. Now it is our turn to go and help another country who already is in a position of poverty before the disaster. We should defintely find a trustworty source that is directing contributions to this disaster, and as a class we could pitch in. Thank you.

Erica O. Coms 2

Anonymous said...

well what some coms scholars could provide is some uprising motavational communication inspires people to take action. by reaching out to the common person to make them feel they need to take action. as students its our responsibility to help other people that have less of a advantage in life as we do, and help the people that need help more then we do. and what we could do is start a fune raiser to send to the resue crew to help the people in the philipines.

Anonymous said...

people should take action on anything that happens bad in our world. As students we should notice that it doesn't only happen to us it can happen to anybody. i agree with the last person on how they said that we should start fundraisers to help them out.

-Alcidia coms 5

Anonymous said...

Go Ahead and start a fundraiser if you have the time. Many talk HIGHLY ABOUT DOING, BUT LETS GET DOWN TO THE TRUTH. tOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERNCE,VIA FUNDRAISERS ETC. BUT ON A PERSONAL LEVEL i FIND IT VERY HARD TO DEDICATE TIME, MONEY ETC. I think the person above me is refering to compasion, we can sit her and talk and conversate about what were going to due, but it takes action now. So unless your going to do anything please adjust your thinking because it might not be neccesarly correct. I challenge you. What Ideas have you braindstromed, or are we just saying this to get attention. What is the reality to all this we need to either take action now or not at all. I' sory to say?

2nd Post

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above statement. Communication is essential in preventing chaos when a natural disaster occurs. The more people are informed about natural disaster the more they can mass communicate to each other towards preventing disorganization and chaos when a natural disaster occurs. The best way to prevent this chaos is to educate the public about natural disasters. Classes in Natural disasters such as her in sac st help people understand the reasons and causes behind natural disasters. Cuitlahuac Sanchez coms 5

Anonymous said...

I had no knowledge of the landslide that occured in the Philipines. From reading statements from the other students I would just say that people do need to be more educated and aware that natural disasters do occur. To prevent negative outcomes awareness is the key to overcoming these disasters.

Anonymous said...

I believe that any positive input regarding natural disasters or any negative event where people can come together to help rectify is needed. I remember when the tsunami tore up Singapore (? I believe it was) that there were commercials with Pres Bush Sr and Clinton were asking for as much help as possible. They asked for help (via the commercial broadcast) as private citizens for people to come together and help in anyway they could. I thought it was very powerful that two men like this (who obviously have some different political agendas) to come together and ask for help; they thought about the bigger picture rather than their own agenda; something necessary in a situation such as a natural disaster. Any charity which can act as the medium for donations would be a great way to help. American Red Cross (like the numerous above have mentioned) or other charities which can aid in one way or another are good viable options. As students, I think the best thing we can do is just be aware that situations like this DO happen. Be prepared for it and open minded enough to help a neighbor who needs it... even if they are someone you cant always agree on everything with.

MJ Hernandez Coms 005

Anonymous said...

Brandon Wolfe - Coms 2

What could we do? You mean us personally? Well, unfortunately, not a whole lot. Hold a bake sale, perhaps? Seriously, I got nothing here. We could send money for disaster relief. But we're college students, and hence, broke. I bought a book today for my geology class, the friggin' thing cost me $100.

But I am sorry to hear about the landslide.

Anonymous said...

For this spring break I think I'll just stay at home and enjoy the single life a little. For the first three days I will clean the house from top to bottom causing the houshole sickness rate to decrease. After all of this I will join some friends at our local pub in Placerville for a few African shots:-)

Anonymous said...

Communication is no doubt a significant part in spreading awareness to those who can help "rectify" this horrible disaster. As students, our social responsibility is to spread the word that those who can help should. I worked at a steakhouse when Katrina hit and I made about $100 a night just in tips. As soon as I found a number I could call, I brought a very simple idea to my managers. I told them every employee who made tips for one night should donate everything they had to the disaster fund. Not only did they think that was a good idea, but ALL the employees were more than glad to help. I remember that night we let the customers know what we were doing and they actually increased their tip amount for us! Bless them for that too. The "tipped" staff for that night rose over $3,000! Our restaurant got a plaque and everything for our help to the cuase. I was so happy that I could help and get those around me (even customers!) to help as well. I tell you all what, if I were still working at a restaurant right now, I wouldn't hesitate to research this landslide and present the idea of another donation night to my manager again. Our social responsibility as students is to just help whenever we can. Even if it's just communicating to those around you that they should help. All it takes is one person to make a difference.
Plus, I'm a huge believer in charma. It really, honestly, truly feels good (down to my soul) when I can help those in need. You should to.

Justin R.
ComS 2

Anonymous said...

The first thing to do is to send money. Money is the one universal constant that can always help. We can also use some communication mediums to help raise money. Things such as mass communication would be very effective. The speakers on these shows could implement many communication ideas. I am unsure as to a charity. The red cross is always a good place to start. As a member of society it is important for us to help. The needs of the many always outnumber the needs of the few. One way to help would be to join the red cross temporarily and apply your time to them. As a class we could start a recycling drive where we have drop off places and use the money generated to donate to the victims.

Anonymous said...

The first thing i agree we can do is send money. I really dont think as a country we dont have that much disipline compared to the southeast asian and island countries. BUt i we can help them montarily and through aid. I would say the red cross could help but through their own difficulties in new orlean i really dont think that they can handle that right now. I dont think as a student i have a social responsibility, more a moral issue not just as students but as people as well. That people can contribute but i dont think that everyone is willing, it really depends on your upbringing.

Adam Tibon

Anonymous said...

bee moua coms2

it is such a tragedy that there was a landslide in the Philipine Island. Well as everyone has suggest, we can help by contributing what we can such as donating money and such to red cross. Our social responsibility is to let others be aware that natural disaster can strike anytime and anywhere and it has happened in the Philipine Island therefore leting people know that what little contribution they make makes a difference.