Hello and glad to have you all here! For your first blog, do the following. Respond using the comments prompt below to the following three questions, and number them please. #1. What is your first name and last initial/are you coms 2 OR 5? #2. What is you favorite movie? #3. If you were an animal, what would you be and why? #4. On a scale of 1 to 5, "1" for scared /angry enough to puke/punch something and "5" for EZ street dawg, I could do it with one hand tied behind my back, rate your feeling going into this class . #5. Respond constructively to someone else's posting. Whoever goes first can respond to me or my syllabus. No profanity please!
#1. What is your first name and last initial/are you coms 2 OR 5? My first and last intials are EO and I am currently in Coms 2.
#2. What is you favorite movie?
I don't have one. :)
#3. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
a dog. I am a huge dog lover, and plus they get to lay around, soak up the sun, and enjoy life.
#4. On a scale of 1 to 5, "1" for scared /angry enough to puke/punch something and "5" for EZ street dawg, I could do it with one hand tied behind my back, rate your feeling going into this class .
#5. Respond constructively to someone else's posting.
:) if only there was another posting
1)Rene P. Coms #2.
2)Troy is one of them.
3)A lion, king of the jungle and a feared and respected animal.
4) three
5)I like dos too. But I prefer to be a lion.
#1 My name is Naomi D and I am in Coms 2.
#2 One of my favorite movies is Come September with Rock Hudson and Gina Lolabrigida
#3 If I was an animal I would be a dolphin because they are smart, chipper and all around nice and nifty animals.
#4 I would have to say on a scale of 1 to 5 I would have to be a "3.5" for I feel ready for the challenge but reserve the right to change my mind at any time.
#5 In Response to Rene P.- It's good to be feared and respected
1. My name is Lindsay Z and Im in COMS 2
2. My favorite movie is Spiderman
3. I'd be a tiger if I was an animal because I think Im pretty strong, fierce and aggressive
4. 3
5. I LOVE THE MOVIE TROY! haha I baught it the first day it came out on DVD. Yah, Im a big fan of Brad and Orlando. haahh
#1. My name is Melanie M. I am in Coms 2.
#2. My favorite movie is Pretty Woman.
#3. If I were an animal, I would be a puppy. Puppies are loyal, cuddly, and fun.
#4. On a scale of 1 to 5, I would rate myself as a 5. I tend to set high standards for myself and with a positive attitude I can accomplish almost anything.
#5. In response to the syllabus, I like the instructor's idea of blog responses because it's a great way for the class to learn more about each other.
1. My name is Tara S. I'm in Coms2
2. Raising Arizona
3. I'd like to be a bird...an eagle...so I could fly.
4. 3
5. I like what Naomi D said about wanting to be a dolphin, very cute.
1. My name is Kamra J. I am in Coms2
2.My favorite movie is Rush Hour
3.I'd like to be a Panther because they are sleek, strong, and fearless
4. My rating for going into the class would have to be two I think I have a slim chance.
5. In response to Tony, its true that cats always come home but they scratch everything even their owners.
1. HELLOOOOOOO I'm Kharyn H. [like Karen] && I'm in Coms 2 ;D
2. I don't have just one favorite movie but I'll slim my list down to The Wood
3. I thought about what kind of animal I would be... I couldn't figure it out so I asked my boyfriend... he said that since I didn't ask him if it was a living or stuffed animal, he said that I could be a Teddy Bear because I'm cute && cuddly or I could be a panther or Jaguar because they are exotic but them I decided that I would pick a giraffe lol... if you've ever seen the movie Madagascar, the giraffe Melman is so much like me. He's always worried about something and he's a hypochondriac. I wouldn't go to the extreme to say I am a hypochondriac but I do worry that I have symptoms of something very often ;D
4. I would rate myself maybe a 3 because I'm not exactly losing my mind over having to speak in front of the class but I'm not completely comfortable with speaking in front of people that I don't know. If I were in high school still, I would say a 5 because I know them and it would be nothing to get up and speak in front of them. But I'm fairly comfortable to get up and speak and I'm always ready to make a fool of myself, it's a habitual thing! lol
5. Melanie M.... I like your attitude girl!!! Get 'em MamaZz!!
1. Hey everyone! I'm Melanie H. and I'm in COMS 2.
2. My favorite movie would have to be... this is soooo hard.... I have no idea... I guess I'd have to go with... Gladiator. Russell Crowe is waaaay hot in it. Joaquin Phoenix aint all that bad either.
3. If I was an animal I would have to be a turtle. My best friend calls me turtle because I'm slow at everything I do.
4. Going into the class, I was probably at stress level 4. After two classes, though, I'm probably at about a 2. I took a COMS class last semester and I sucked at making speeches!
5. Tara S., I think being able to fly whenever you want would be a lot of fun.
1.Mai V. Coms 2
2. Nobuta No Produce (international video ^_^)it's very good, funny too.
3. A fish because the ocean is so exciting yet very very scary.
4. 4, this class sound fun but there's a lot of work to do then again i bet we all can manage it.
5. Hi Melanie H., a turtle ^_^ i have a friend we call turtle too although he actually does look similar to a turle.
Mai S. Vang
1. Bill S. Coms 2
2. The Princess Bride
3. I would be a dolphin. Supposedly, they are the smartest animals on the plants besides hums, but they're still dumb enough to get caught in a tuna net. I like that.
4. 5
5. The comment left by Lindsay Z lacked a sense of reality, and seemed overly superficial and noncommitive. Also, she did not name the person she was critiquing in question five, leading to confusion and adding to the overall feeling that the posting was done without any thought or effort.
1.)My name is Ashley F. and I am in coms2
2.)I cant pick just one favorite movie because I am a movie-aholic but if I must I'll go with sixteen candles. You always need to throw in a good 80's flick!
3.)I would have to go with the running joke that I would be a ferret. Because I have a longer torso and shorter legs like they do. They also love to sleep and when they are awake they are hyper.
4.) I would probably say I am at a good 4 going into this class.
5.)I think that Bill could have been a little bit more considerate of other peoples feelings when he commented on the way Lindsay Z. wrote. Its just a fun simple little blog, its not rocket science, there was no writing requirements listed.
1. Lauren B. I am in coms 2.
2. The Big Lebowski!!
3. I would be a wild mustang, because they are free and strong, and full of life.
4. I would rate my feelings of confidence a 4. I feel like it will be a great semester!
5.Daphne- I would also like to be a lion because of it's strength and endurance as well. A lion would be my second choice.
1) My name is Laura Ludke. Im in your coms 2 class
2) My favorite movie is billy Madison
3) If I could be an animal I world want to be a dog. All you have to do is eat, sleep, and play.
4) I would prob. be a 3. I am not that great at speeking in front of people
5) Ashley F. said about having to throw in a good 80's flick. They just dont make movies the way they used to.
1)Hiyo, i'm Jake M. and i'm in your coms 2 class
2)I'd have to say that my favorite movie is... Undercover Brother
3)If I could be any animal I'd be a lion, mainly because they represent courage and strength
5)Mai Y. butterflies are pimptastic yo! Too bad i've never heard of the movie you like, it sounds interesting enough for me to check it out though *thumbs up*
1.aaron B
2.the sandlot
3.a dog, no real reason, i like dogs
4.around a three, i dont like to speak in front of people.
5.jason h. its good that you are comfortable with this class, a lot of people arent to comfortable with speaking courses.
1)Eugena Gaines C and I am taking coms 2.
3)Whale because I love to swim and I love water.
4)3 because I don't know what to except from this class.
5)Lindesy Z Spiderman man is my second favorite.
1)My name is Kati K, and I'm currently in your coms 5 class.
2)I love the movie Crash, Spy Kids 1 and 2, the Matrix, Ghost, Notebook, and the list goes on. There's too many greats to pick a favorite.
3)I would be a bird or a unicorn. A bird because I always wanted to be able to fly, and a unicorn cuz I said.
4)I would rate the class a 3.99 because I am not shy, and I love to speak my mind in front of a class or anyone for that matter but I don't know what is expected of me yet or how time consuming this class will be.
It's Kati again I forgot #5....
5)Eugena Gaines- I feel you on number 4 cuz I don't know what to expect this class either.
1. Kaliicye R. Coms 5
2. My favorite movie is Center Stage and Love Basketball because they are about my two favorite hobbies.
3.I'd be a jaguar because they are sleek and mysterious
4. About a 3.5...so far...
5. Michele- I just recently saw the Notebook and I loved it! It was a really great movie.
1. My name is Alcidia L. and I'm in Coms 5
2. My favorite movie is Jarhead because I love Jamie Fox and I love that movie.
3. My favorite animal is a dog because I love dogs.
4.I would rate myself a 3 coming into this class.
5. I thought that Kaliicye had a good idea of wanting to be a jaguar if she could be an animal.
1. My name is Chantelle Johnson and I am in COMS 05.
2. One of my favorite movies is Terms of Endearment.
3. I would be a bird so that I can fly and look over everyone.
4. I would rate myself at a 3.5 because I already took this class but need to repeat it so I already know what to expect but yet I still get nervous when I make speeches.
5. Kaliicye I love the movie LOVE and BASKETBAll! I've watched it so many times.
1. David H (coms 2)
2. I switch alot, but right now it's Gladiator.
3. I would be a tiger, because I always want to know what it feels like to "maul" something.
4. Definately a 4.
5. I agree with Jason...FIREFOX RULES!!!
I'm Kayla P. and I am in coms 5. I have so many favorite movies its hard to tell which one is my most favorite. I would be a horse just because. My feeling would have to be a 3 because public speaking makes me really nervous and I would rather not do it. I think I feel the same way about the class as Lisa B.
1.) Lou Saelee. Coms 5.
2.) My favorite movie is Back To The Future Part I.
3.) If I were an animal, I'd be some type of bird just so I can fly.
4.) Probably a 3. In between because I have no idea what I'm getting into yet.
5.) Kyle Rattay in Coms 2 says his favorite movie is Wedding Crashers and so does a lot of other people but I still haven't seen it yet. So hopefully I can catch the flick when I have the chance. It sounds pretty funny.
What is your first name and last initial/are you coms 2 OR 5?
My name is Joy B. I am in coms 2.
2. What is you favorite movie?
I don't really have a favorite movie since there are a lot of good movies. But I am into romance.
3. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
I would be a bird so that I can fly away when in need.
4. On a scale of 1 to 5, "1" for scared /angry enough to puke/punch something and "5" for EZ street dawg, I could do it with one hand tied behind my back, rate your feeling going into this class .
It would be a 1 but not because i'm angry but instead i'm scared.I don't like to stand up in front of class and give a speech.
5. Respond constructively to someone else's posting.
David H is right. There are a lot of good movies but Gladiator is good.
1. What is your first name and last initial/are you coms 2 OR 5?
Travis W. Coms2.
2. What is you favorite movie?
Happy Gilmore or Anchor Man.
3. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
Some sort of bird so i could fly.
4. On a scale of 1 to 5, "1" for scared /angry enough to puke/punch something and "5" for EZ street dawg, I could do it with one hand tied behind my back, rate your feeling going into this class
4, seems to be a fun and easy class so far besides me being a little nervous speaking in front of the class.
5. Respond constructively to someone else's posting.
hahahah Shawn C in coms 5 has a good point about throwing poo. sounds likea dane cook fan.
1. What is your first name and last initial/are you coms 2 OR 5?
Maria C. Coms 2
2. What is you favorite movie?
Chronicles of Narnia
3. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
I would be a dolphin because they're smart and friendly animals. I love the water and go swimming.
4. On a scale of 1 to 5, "1" for scared /angry enough to puke/punch something and "5" for EZ street dawg, I could do it with one hand tied behind my back, rate your feeling going into this class
The class seems fun and easy, I would rate myself 1 because I do get nervous speaking infront of the class sometimes.
5. Respond constructively to someone else's posting.
Haha! Mai S. Vang, you have a friend that looks like a turtle?? thats funny!
1.James P. I am in Coms2.
2. Friday Part 1 is my favorite movie.
3.I would be a tiger as I am aggestive in life
4. I rate it a 3, due to the class seems stressful but I believe I can learn from information in the class.
5. I like David H. Coms2 respose it was right to the point.
1. Shelby S., ComS 2, Sec 3
2. I have soooo many favorite movies, its hard to pick just one. I would have to go with Love Actually and How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days as my top 2! Total chick-flicks, huh? I am such a girl, geez!!!
3. If I could be an animal, I would like to be a monkey only because they are hilarious, loving, and just about the all-time coolest animal on the planet. Of course, thats just my opinion:-)
4. i HATE HATE HATE talking in front of the class, so I would have to say I am a 1.5. Its not like I am going to puke, but I am def nervous! group speeches are WAY better. Does anybody agree?
5. To Travis W- Anchorman is HILARIOUS!!! That group of guys make the greatest movies EVER!!! Wedding Crashers, DodgeBall, Old School etc...CLASSICS!!!
1)Elizabeth Zepeda, Coms 2 Sec 3
2) I really dont have a favorite movie but if i had to chose it would be Monters Inc.
3) If i could be an animal i would want to be a house rabbit becuase I be warmed and well taken care of.
4) I rate this class a 2 becuase i hate giving presentations. I get nervous. I prefer speaking as ma group.
5) To Shelby- How to lose a guy in 10 days was a great movie. I enjoyed it and it has some true facts.
1.) Jason M. Coms 2
2.) I won't insult my movies by choosing
3.) I wanted to say something deep like an owl because he's considered wise and gets to see the world in a completely new way, but I'd have a problem with some of the digestion habits... Can I be a person. Actually, can I be a person who flies. I could deal with that.
4.) I'll go with a four for this class. I often get accused of being too effective an arguer. I like to find the wholes in peoples logic and play devil's advocate, and I am comfortable in front of groups, so that much I'm not worried about, but I never like to give absolutes because they're usually false.
Jason Moore
I forgot #5
5.) I'm gonna break form and make a general comment about people's comments and that is that most people commented on the movie choice of other students as that evaluative is something that is very simple for everyone to relate to.
Jason Moore
#1. What is your first name and last initial/are you coms 2 OR 5?
Brandon Wolfe. In Coms 2.
#2. What is you favorite movie?
#3. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
I'd be a wolf because then I wouldn't have to legally change my name. And I'd also be vicious and fearsome, which is an added bonus.
#4. On a scale of 1 to 5, "1" for scared /angry enough to puke/punch something and "5" for EZ street dawg, I could do it with one hand tied behind my back, rate your feeling going into this class.
That would be #1. Public speaking is right up there with cliff-diving in my book. And I mean in the scary sense, not the thrilling one.
#5. Respond constructively to someone else's posting.
The person who said their favorite movie is WEDDING CRASHERS should probably see more movies.
B. Wolfe
Coms 2
#1. What is your first name and last initial/are you coms 2 OR 5?
Justin R. I am in Sandra Wheeler's ComS 2 class.
#2. What is you favorite movie?
Definitely Pirates of the Caribbean with Johnny Depp. I've seen it over 400 times. Real talk. "Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me."
#3. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
I would be a monkey because they can go just about anywhere and they are very smart.
#4. On a scale of 1 to 5, rate your feeling going into this class.
I'm a 5. I don't care at all what people think of me, whether I'm the center of attention or not. I actually like learning and find it exciting to teach others (via public speaking) about something I've learned.
#5. Respond constructively to someone else's posting.
Whoever said they're favorite movie was Ghostbusters needs to watch more movies.
Justin R.
ComS 2
#1 Tibon Adam coms 2
#2 Starship troopers
#3 Id probable be a Lion, because they nap alot and basically run things with their quiet confidence, but the other animals know not to mess with it, because lion do get their prey.
#4 I would have to say a 4 im not confident to the point where this class is going to be easy, but definately not a nervous wreck.
#5 I love happy gilmore too, its probably in my top 5 movies.
Adam Tibon
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