Thursday, November 17, 2005

Mark's Van and The Feild Trip of a Lifetime

Some people travel to Paris, others, New York, but you--YES YOU my debating masters, you will join us for the special exotic get away to South Sacramento, home of the Land Park Zoo and Radio Shack! Why do a final term paper when you can have the trip of a lifetime? Limos are so "last year," vans are what the cool peeps roll in these days, so once you arrive at CRC's parking lot around noon (the front lot) You will board Mark's "Pimp-mobile" adorned with plush man-made material -lined seats and your own plastic cup holder, you'll enjoy a delicious, icy half a soda and a power bar, served by Mark's personal assistant "Cherry." As if that wasn't enough, as part of Mark's posse, you will then be escorted down scenic Highway 99 to the beautiful, Sac City campus, currently flanked by colorful plastic "under construction" signage and yellow caution tape. Breathless! Mark will immediately help you out of the van while Cherry belly dances on a beach towel in the parking lot to announce your arrival. Next--You'll be handed a breath mint and the magic will begin! (Well, actually first you will have to hike five miles because there is no close parking at SC right now, but it will be a lovely stroll!) Anyhow, you will be directed to the debate by a plush red carpet (or paper hand made signs) and check in at the large information board to find your your debate number, name, resolution topic and room number assignment for the first round. For each of the two rounds you will get about 15 minutes to prepare, topics will be general current events. For just $5, you will recieve gourmet pizza and soda on the rocks served on lovely paper plates before a final exciting awards round and the awards ceremony. The glamorous debate is from 12pm-6pm and if you don't go in the van with us, call my cell to find us there: 799-7930. Dress to impress, no tuxedos and ball gowns.--Your Fearless Leader
PS: Post your own rediculously exagerated blog here to get credit for the final humor posting. Double points if you use photos or images to make a humorous argument and triple points if you post over Thanksgiving Break to my action packed Turkeynator Blog coming up next week!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the debate was a lot of fun! I wish I could have made it (catch that rediculouly exagerated comment??? j/k).

Unknown said...

the debate was fun especially the predebate car conversation and the postdebate car hysteria. Alex won that was great but what was funny is that he almost did not get to come at all there was a discussion in the car before the debate about leaving him because he was taking FOREVER to come out of his apartment (no need to disclose the location, we don't want him to be stalked) but after waiting ten minutes the popular consensus was that he was adding some more gel to that rock hard perfect hair of his, but the truth was he was chasing his dog around his apartment, which makes it impressive that not a hair on his head was misplaced, yes that was the stimulating conversation posed on the way to the debate, alex's perfectly coifed mane. and on the way back, mark's frightening driving skills. he hits the break so hard it would make you lose your dentures if you had them, but don't worry its ok sandra was wearing her extra strength poligrip that day so they stayed in what she did have was her seat belt on and she nearly fell out of her seat numerous times. the best part of the driving experience was when mark swerved off the freeway at the last second for the calvine exit. the funniest thing of the night how many times sandra checked in with her parents, my parents weren't even that strict when i was in the 3rd grade. the lesson NEVER MISS THE CHANCE TO LAUGH AT AND MAKE FUN OF OUR CLASS AND OUR TEACHER IN AN OUT OF THE CLASS ROOM SETTING. (that last part was for alex, congradulations)

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I did too much shopping and my credit card bill was due, so I couldn't miss work to go to the debate. I guess me and rose will be writing that wonderful final paper that I've been waiting on all semester. =)

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope that everyone had fun at the debate. I couldn't go because I had to work and if I didn't go to work I won't have money to spend or pay my bills and the fact that I had to debate. I guess I'll be having a great time writing my blog paper.