Thursday, October 20, 2005

No Monkey Business! What's my fallacy kids? Posted by Picasa


Sandra said...

Uhhhhhh....we just Blog nonstop blogging, we are addicted...I need a 12 step program...

Sandra said...

Julie-sefer! Whoa--Nice use of equivocation, Alfredo the master fallacy user!!! What does the photo try to persuade you to think or believe? How does it push either attitudes, beliefs or values? Inquiring minds want to know!!!

Sandra said...

My, my, my, sassy pants..."The student becomes the teacher" (they always say that in kung foo movies, I don't really know what it means)I think the photo is trying to persuade people that that monkey really was captured on-stage singing into a there a fallacy in there-ere-ere.....(echoing sounds to make me seem other-wordly)--Bloghead

Sandra said...

Good job Alex! Alfredo, you are completely wrong. JUST KIDDING!!!! Actually, I don't even beieve that that is really Bea in the picture...It is her stunt double since she is a big entertainment celebrity...she couldn't have raised the glass herself, she might have broken a nail! KIDDING! Here's a factual claim about Bea's photo: You can have a wild & fun time without alcohal!--Blogirl

Sandra said...

Okay, who can find a fallacy in Alex's argument? Two points extra credit, post it here!!! It's okay Alex, we cried and had a moment of silence and then moved on. Well, just keeep working on your clash issues and oppositional points of contention, the pro paper is due next Tuesday, get the handout from me on Thursday...Seriousblogmaster

Nell said...

I believe the fallacy is one of the appeals to emotion: The appeal to pity. Alex, you used your story as a means to gain Sandra’s sympathy. I think what makes it a fallacy is that though all these events may have taken place, no reasoning is identified, which makes pity the only justification for Alex not being in class. “Argumentation has been abandoned in favor of exclusively emotive persuasion” (Rybacki, Pg.155).
Hope the rest of your day was better than your morning Alex.
I’d like to apologize to my debate team members for me not being in today. Hopefully we can catch up on Thurs.