Monday, March 28, 2005

Oh Yeah? well...CAUSE T H I S!!!!!!

Somebody call Rob and tell him break is over! He's still in Cancun!
Causal Speech Tips:
1. Don't be aburrido! (Spanish for what???????? Rhymes with "snoring"....)
2. Relate your cause to three effects.
3. Use shock and awe attention getters. You may want to bring first aid for fainting audience members, Charlie!
4. Examples:
a. Gun control laws reduce violent crimes.
b. A one parent families causes more independent children
c. Competitive sports for college students causes success later in business.
d. TV violence causes school shootings.
e. Jeff P's jokes cause laughter, which cause relaxation and bonding which in turn, cause an enhanced learning envoronment and better Coms Two productivity. (chain of causation)
f. Jeff P's jokes are disruptive during class and cause Lindsey to miss important learning opportunities.
g. Positive effects of Sarah's evaluative speech on travel included more students traveled over Spring Break, Kim and Jennifer watched movies ABOUT traveling and finally, the Board of Tourism noted a dramatic increase in tickets purchased by Sac State Coms 2 students. Guy went to Italy.

To Get Credit For This Week's Post:
In five sentences, minimum, tell us something about you as an audience member that will help the speakers reach you and better analyze their audience. Use our class for examples. I'll go first.


Martin Wood a.k.a. TY said...

1. Speakers must talk about a topic that I can understand and relate to.
2. Speaker has to look at the audience instead of the paper. It's a speech, not a reading...
3. Don't be too nervous or serious. Be comfortable.
4. Don't use an "imagine this" intro unless it really opens up the speech.
5. Talk loud and not too fast. We have to understand what you are saying!!

Eva said...

1. Start your speech with a strong voice !
2. Don't just stare in one place or direction.
3. Don't be repetative.
4. Be original- come on, enough with the "Here's what I am going to talk about, this is my conclusion, blah."
5.Don't end with, "That's all."

Sandra said...

fabulous, witty insight, gang. personally, I enjoy BRILLIANT shock and awe attention getting ploys. pyrotechnics, a good, moving story or a great non-sequitor, where the audience is like "What did that have to do with the point of the speech, but then it gets tied back together in the conclusion. i love that. it makes me cry. good to have you back sarah. blog on my sister!--My Rap Name, of course, is fly-no-moe

kaCHEENS! said...

5 necessary items for an interesting speech:

1. Lots and lots of APPROPRIATE energy
2. Interesting topic that almost everyone (doesn't have to be EVERYONE) can relate to
3. Visual aids or relative hand gestures -- usually they catch my attention and I'm able to pay attention and engage in the speech
4. Not too many distracting body movements -- fidgeting, excessive hand movements, etc.
5. Great attention getters! I love them =)