Monday, March 07, 2005

Look at this Cute Puppy: Now Send Me Money! Emotional Appeals are Battez!

ABSOLUTELY NO LATE FALLACY ASSIGNMENTS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WILL BE ACCEPTED (Caps are like yelling, huh? That's a scare tactic fallacy, sorry...)
Good places to start: (this one features Leo DiCaprio!)

and for tips on fallacies and how to identify them:
Remember: Highlight the portion of the ad or article you are claiming holds a fallacy: Use Yellow
Remember: Correct at least five of the fallacies you identify!
Remember a complete bibliography! (APA/MLA)
Remember: You can repeat 2, that's two of your favorite fallacies
Remember: Battez is ""whack"" in French! Recycling is so NOT battez!
Anyone want to post their own suggestions to help the rest of the class? Anyone? ANYONE????

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Okay, get those evaluative arguments ready for Monday, 3-4 minutes is nothing!
Attention Getter: Did you know that the little dogs on Animal Planet have their own fan clubs? Visual Aid: Picture of little dog from the show.
Evaluative Claim: Puppies are great pets!
Criteria: Great Pets are fluffy, cute and they lick your face.
Evidence: Three main points on how Puppies do all of these things with citations to support "because"
Summary, repeat thesis claim Therefore Puppies make great pets because they are fluffy, cute and lick your face.
Warrant: Since we all can agree that Dogs are woman's best friend (and man's) puppies are the best, if you don believe me, watch Animal Planet's Puppy Theater tonight! (Add another phota from the show fro closing visual aid) PS: If you don't want to send Scott money directly, I will accept it on his behalf. Trust me! (Appeal to false authority) hee hee