Saturday, February 05, 2011

Post #3: The Stock Issues (as in stalk-ing)

Hey gang--Sorry this was delayed but here we are! This week I want you to propose a resolution (remember? Like a thesis but for a debate...always worded in the affirmative, [for change] preceeded by THB: or Resolved:) Then suggest the four stock issues (contentions 1-4) for your reolution in brief. Here's the catch: Your resolution (or proposition) must be about yourself, your own life or your stuff! I'll go first:

RESOLUTION: THB: Los Rios should pay me and other part time teachers a million dollar fashion fund.
Contention 1: Let's examine my poor fashion budget ok? I am being hurt when I have to roll with my homies in last years flarey high-waisted pants instead of skinny jeans. Also everyone around me wearing fashionable skinny jeans is being harmed by my out-of-date fashion due to a small paycheck. This is unreasonable for my  fashion budget. Other harm includes that my flarey out of style pants might accidentally cut other people's ankles. They are so darn swishy!
Blame: Cont 2: It is my employer's fault, The College board --specifically the payroll department for failing to recognize my genius and immediately grant me a raise so I can get me some of those skinny jeans. Teachers should get paid more. All teachers. This is an inherent structual flaw in my paycheck, change must come swiftly!!!!
Plan/Cure: Cont 2 (Must be topical!) My plan is too host a write-in campaign, where (AGENTS) my charming students will (mandate) flood the corporate office with cards and letters singing my praises and raving about my value to the district, state and even the world. My admirers will generate flow charts, graphs and powerpoint slides showing how much other life-changing folks make for a living. (ie: doctors, football players and even world leaders) and how important fashion is to education. Specifically, credibility. Right? Funding will be easy to come by as we will raise the tax rate on bread, water and dental floss. To, uh, 19.8%. Immediately. Maybe we'll have a carwash. A 250.00 dollar car wash. Yes. That's it.
Cost/Benefit: Cont #4--As you can see people, my plan is solid and it directly solves the ill I suffer in out of style pants. Who am I --the Jessica Simpson of debate teachers??? Specifically, this plan will prevent me from unfairly doing without skinny jeans. My plan is solvent and the benefits far outweigh the tiny , almost 20% dramatic increase in tax on important stuff. Isn't it worth it to get me into the proper style of jeans before it is too late and the bootcut comes back? You know it is so vote for me, the govt side: THB: LOs Rios should pay part time teachers like me (especially) a one million dollar fashion fund.


Anonymous said...

This house believes that Trevor Huth should be able to eat whatever he wants with no repercussions to his health or weight.

Ill - As one can plainly see, the current state of things is that an overindulgence of orange chicken from Panda Express has had deplorable effects upon Trevor Huth, and we can no longer stand for this. We see 17 year old boys eating 6 grilled stuft steak burritos from Taco bell a week, and yet they can still wake up at 11:30 am and look exactly the same. This is incredibly unfair for Trevor Huth as he greatly enjoys food.

Blame - The blame clearly falls on his genes. Trevor Huth's genes have conspired against him to where there is no win-win situation, only win-lose situations. If Trevor eats whatever he wants, he wins in that respect but feels like he's going to die for the rest of the day and he must go through strenuous actions to remove the effects of the food (i.e. fat). If Trevor eats what his body wants, he stays healthy and feels good, but he does not get to enjoy the mouthwatering affect of a Sourdough Jack.

Cure - We propose that we genetically alter the genes of Mr. Huth so that Win-Win situations are the only possible outcome. If we can get Trevor's genes to counteract the inimical effects of a Chipotle Burrito and the Double-Double Animal Style, then we can create a happier world where there less strife and stress from decision making in Trevor's life. Trevor could also spend the time he would be using to work out to help the elderly and cure diseases.

Cost - It seems clear that the benefits of this resolution would greatly outweigh the costs. This resolution creates a Win-Win situation for Trevor and his fight against having a gut. We create a more peaceful world, as Trevor would be more at peace with himself. The benefits will also extend to others and the economy, as money spent as these fine food organizations would help employ those who are unemployed or underemployed. If you don't know Trevor and have little empathy for his plight, then do it for little Jimmy. Little Jimmy's dad can get a job in this tough economy because of the extra revenue coming in from Trevor's expenditures, and then Little Jimmy can go to summer camp where he can be inspired to do great things, like become an astronaut or a future president of Cosumnes River College. This proposal will carry no ill effect and will only be a benefit to Trevor and the American economy

Anonymous said...

RESOLUTION: THB: Speed bumps in Cosumnes River College should be reduced down to size.

Ill: Cont1: My car is lowered and the bottom of my car gets scraped, hitting my oil pan, exhaust system, and my from bumper. Car enthusiasts like me from CRC, who like to modify their cars for better cornering, all suffer the horrid scrape, damaging expensive cosmetic parts to our vehicles. This is unreasonable for us students to come to school and find that you blew your engine up because there was a hole under your oil pan. Other harms include students driving behind us. We are creating traffic when angling our cars to lessen the scrape.

BLAME:Cont2: It is the person who was in charge of the parking lot development of CRC for failing to see that the speed bumps are too high and too long. We need to lower the height of the speed bumps and cut the double speed bumps down to one. This is an inherent flaw in our parking lots and must be changed soon before all of our cash go to our cars and not our tuition.

CURE:Cont3: My plan is to set up a booth and have the students sign a petition to alter the speed bumps, and when we reach 500 signatures, I will send it to CRC's planning department and to college president Debbie Davis to hire a construction agency to lower the speed bumps. I will also demonstrate to the president of the damage caused by the speed bumps with my own car. As for funding, the school should allocate $10,000 out of their tax money to the parking lot and put a hold on the construction of the cafeteria building.

COST/BENEFIT: Cont4: My plan is realistic and can be easily achieved. It will solve the problem with damaged cars and traffic. To be specific, all car owners that have lowered cars can be relieved to park again inside the school parking lot, instead of parking outside the gates. My plan only allocates a small portion of the schools budget towards the parking lot and will cost next to nothing to what CRC is already spending on. The benefits of this plan definitely outweighs the cost. There is no easier and cheaper solution to the speed bumps than mine. Please vote for the car enthusiasts, the Government side: THB: Speed bumps in Cosumnes River College should be reduced down to size.

-Alex Soohoo

Anonymous said...

Resolved: My sister should move back to California in order to spend time with me and buy me things.

Contention #1 (Ill): I am very hurt that my sister left the state. We have never lived more than a few miles apart from one another for 20 years, and I rely on her for a lot of support (emotionally and financially). Since she moved to Oregon, I have no one to spend exorbitant amounts of time with and no one to buy me things. Due to the fact that my sister has a lot of money and I have very little, without her here, I am unable to eat out or go shopping, which hurts me by causing me boredom.

Contention #2 (Blame): My sister's new boyfriend is at fault for convincing her to move into his apartment in Oregon. Before my sister met her boyfriend, she was content to spend all her time and money on me. Immediately after meeting him, she packed up and moved out of the state. He should never have taken my sister and her money away from me.

Contention #3 (Plan/Cure): My plan is to offer my sister's boyfriend generous compensation to break up with her and convince her to move back to California. Said compensation will exceed any current financial contribution by my sister. I will raise the money to pay off my sister's boyfriend by holding a bake sale in my neighborhood and selling my sister's belongings that she left behind in California.

Contention #4 (Cost/Benefit): My plan is efficient because, although my sister may be hurt by her boyfriend suddenly dumping her and sending her back to California, she'll never find out that I paid him off, due to his conditional silence. Her sadness at losing him will be far surpassed by the happiness she will feel spending all her time with me again. If she does feel sad, we can easily go shopping, where I will allow her to spend as much money as she needs to on me to feel better. The benefits of her coming home and reuniting with me far outweigh the momentary sadness of losing a relatively new boyfriend - she's known me longer. The decision is obvious, so vote for my side: the Government side: Resolution: My sister should move back to California in order to spend time with me and buy me things.

Melissa Leonard

Anonymous said...

Resolution: All Teachers should give me an A :)
Cont #1- My family and friends are harmed because they are embarrassed to associate with someone who does not get all A’s! This is clearly of Quantitative significance; all these people I know are ashamed! But most importantly I am being harmed by all of these B’s on my transcript. It makes me look less perfect than I really am. These B’s on my transcript could ruin my chance at getting a wonderful job and they just make me look bad! I cry all the time because all of my teachers do not give me A’s. If only they did my life would be complete.
Cont #2- I blame my professors for not noticing how A-worthy I am. And I blame the inherent structural error of all these classes at CRC being so hard!
Cont #3- The first part of my plan is to work even harder to get A’s. And for the second part, to ensure that I get A’s, my friends (who work for free) and I will do fund raisers every semester with 50 dollar bathing suit car washes and 20 dollar baked goods that are super special and awesome and I will divide the money between my professors so that they will give me A’s no matter what. My agents will be all of the generous people in elk grove who are willing to donate money and pay for my services. My plan has topicality; professors will definitely accept my donation and gladly give me the A’s I am hoping for. Some of this money will also go to CRC so that I can convince them to dumb down all their classes so I can get A’s in all of them!
Cont #4-My plan has great solvency, only 50 dollars for a car wash done by hot girls in bathing suits! People will realize the benefit outweighs the cost and will be hitting up my fund raisers all of the time! Also because of people’s generosity I will have such a good transcript any college and workplace will welcome me with open arms and my life will be great. Everyone will benefit from having a lovely person like myself working and contributing to society. These benefits clearly outweigh the costs of my car washes and baked goods. So remember vote for me, Reachel Ramsay, so I can get some more A’s!

-Reachel Ramsay

Anonymous said...

THB: That Garrette Adam's should be immune from all types of diseases.

Ill: as many people know, being sick is no fun and can cause people to miss work, school, and enjoying their free time. Mr. Adams is potentially harmed every day by he comes into contact with. with a job that requires him to be completely healthy, Mr. Adams can not afford to become ill because he will have to call in sick to work, and possibly be fired, thus making him lose money.

Blame: the blame is cast on all those in society that don't cough into their shoulder, nor wash their hands frequently to kill bacteria on their hands. this is an inherent flaw on society's lack of respect for one another by being courteous enough to not spread their illness.

cure: our plan is to find an agent, a highly qualified doctor, to mandate Mr. Adams with every vaccination known to man. Mr Adams will also be put on a strict diet of all the healthy foods he needs in order to maintain a strong fighting immune system.

Cost/Benefit: all expenses for receiving the vaccinations will be paid by the health insurance plan at Mr. Adams work. he will be working 35 + hours a week because he won't have any sick days, so he will qualify for company health insurance. it may cost the advantages greatly outweigh the costs to keep Mr. Adams healthy, making him capable of working to his fullest capabilities. this is the best plan to keep Mr. Adams employed and healthy and should be chosen.

Garrette Adams

Jamila Jolby said...

Thesis: I should get a promotion and pay raise at my at my current employer.
Contention 1: I have received state and national licensing to be a pharmacy technician. I have excellent customer service skills. I work long and hard. I do what I am told to the best of my ability.
It is difficult to effectively take care of my children and have the lifestyle I want. I cannot even afford to buy a house which I really want.
Contention 2: I place the blame first with the employer. Instead of hiring me as a technician and making me go through the process. They lied and hired me at a lower position. The lead technician hates me so she has convinced the higher ups I don't listen and am untrainable; so everytime a technician comes up, i get passed over.
Contention 3: To structure and complete my hands on training so I may be promoted. Then promote me and transfer me to a store near my house.
Contention 4: Cost. The raise i will be receiving. Benefits: Happier employee. i would be able to provide for my family better.
I would be willing to work more hours.
Jamila Jolby

Anonymous said...

Resolution: THB: The State should give my mom a job closer to home so she will be happier and not make me work.

Ill: I have a busy schedule as I am taking 18 units, so why should I have to worry about working when my mom can work instead? After all, any job that I would get would only pay minimum wage whereas her state job pays well above minimum wage. Having a job would also have an effect on the time I use for homework and studying which means I might not do so well and not be able to transfer to a good university.

Blame: I blame the state for not offering her a job closer to home. She has to wake up very early to get to work on time which makes her cranky. Her boss also isn't the most pleasant person so this just adds to her crankiness.

Cure: My plan is to write a detailed letter to the head of her department explaining how my mom works in order to provide me with what I want and need even though she retired years ago. I will request that because she has worked for so long, they should allow her to relocate to a location closer to home and have a supervisor that is more pleasant. I will then have my mother's family, friends, and co-workers write letters expressing what a great person she is and why she deserves this.

Cost/benefits: My plan has no costs only benefits. The first being that my mom will no longer have to wake up so early which means she will be much happier. This happiness will lead to her doing her work at a much faster pace. She will also save money on gas and will not pollute the air as much since she won't have to drive so far. The best benefit of all is that I won't have to work and can concentrate on school. as you can see from the benefits listed, this is a great plan so vote for me, the government side: THB: The State should give my mom a job closer to home so she will be happier and not make me work.

-Ashley Ginn

Anonymous said...

Resolution: The government should pay for my and other students' college education.
Contention 1: Not only do I suffer from the pressure of graduating and all the school work, but I suffer from having to pay for my education getting to that diploma which may impede me from getting the diploma altogether. This is a huge concern of many college students and their parents helping them pay for college. If only college education were paid for by the government working students and parents would have more money in their pockets for other important future payments that take place after college.
Contention 2: This is the governments fault. The funds for education shouldn't be the 1st place where funding is cut when other departments need money. If anything, the education department should be provided the most funding for the good of the nation's future being nurtured in those classrooms.
Contention 3: The government will return all the funds that have been cut from the education department in the past and cut other unnecessary department's funds to pour into educational funding. I will hold a charity to spread awareness and raise money for a nationwide college funding to put as many students as possible through college for free.
Cost/Benefits: My plan will raise the number of people who graduate from college. It will put more money in everyone's pockets and raise a nation of brilliant minds.
-Raiza Agutos-

Anonymous said...

Resolution: Every driver on the road should signal when making a turn.
Ill: This brings major harm to most drivers on the road. Being that so many people now are in such a rush to get to where they are going. It's important to signal because the driver behind you needs to know which way you are going, so she or he will not crash into your rear end.

Blame: It is the people behind the wheels fault. People are just to lazy to even turn their signals on when turning. Or it could be that people are not thinking before they act.

Cure: The plan is to give each person who doesn't signal a warning, and then if he or she does it again then they will receive a citation for not signaling and traffic school. According to the law, I think it's mandatory that all drivers should signal when making a turn.

Cost/Benefit: The plan will surely open the eyes of every driver. Plus, it will educate them too and crashes should decrease as a result. I think this is the best solution so far.

Ying Vang

Anonymous said...

Resolve: Parking should be free at CRC.
Ill: Too many times I have gone to the one of the parking toll machines only to have my dollar bill rejected by the machine. I would have to park without purchasing a parking pass for the 2 hour class I had that evening. I would come back and there would be a parking ticket waiting for me.

Blame: Its very easy to see who is at blame here. The Los Rios Police District is to blame for this. It is not our fault that the machine won't take our dollar but how are they supposed to know that we tried to pay but the machine didn't take our dollar. They are the ones to blame for this and they should be taking full responsibility.

cure: The police district needs to make all parking free. This will take away all the tickets people get that shouldn't be getting them. It's not fair to the common person who tries to pay and can't because they don't want to fix their machines.

cost/benefit: This is going to cost Los Rios School District some money but it should until they get this fixed. It's not right to ticket someone because they tried to purchase a parking pass and couldn't. The police district has way to much control over this subject. They need to first check the parking pass collector and see whether its taking money or not. This is getting out of hand seeing as how I've been ticketed a few times already.

Michael Drummond

Anonymous said...

Resolved: That Katharine Baskins Dad should pay for all of her rent while attending school, instead of a certain amount.

Ill/Harm: I am currently looking for a place in East Sac with a friend, but my options are limited due to the fact that my Dad will only pay a certain amount of my rent. While my sisters are both getting their entire rent paid at UCDavis and UCSanta Barbara.

Blame: The UC system is at blame and the cost of housing in Santa Barbara, because due to the cost of their education and housing, it's left not as much available currently for my education/housing.

Plan: I plan on waiting until my sister at UCDavis graduates in May, so there will be more means available for me.

Benefit/Cost: This will not only benefit my education, because I won't have to work as much and can focus on school, but if I waited my dad won't have to pay as much as if I got a place now, because then he'd be paying for all three of us at once, even though I wouldn't be getting as much as my sisters.

Katharine Baskins

sjenbearblog said...

Jennifer Springman

THB: Servers should be tipped before people dine instead of after.

Ill: Waiters and waitresses sometimes have to pay out of pocket for people to dine when they don't tip. A server must tip out those who are part of the restaurant team based on the amount of food they sell. For example, an awesome waitress like myself who sells $600 worth of food and drinks during her shift must tip 3% of those sales to bussers, bartenders, hostesses, etc. If some wretched person dines in said awesome waitresses sectioin and runs up a $100 tab and doesn't leave a tip then I am paying $3 out of pocket for them to eat at my restaurant. Furthermore, if I give someone great service and they don't leave a proper tip, it ruines my day, and then everyone suffers, obviously. It is an unjust system! People who plan to leave a good tip often receive sub-par service anyway because we servers become jaded and get sick of knowing we may be giving someone great service, only to be left nothing in the end. The customer suffers, and the waitress suffers.

Blame: Mimi's Cafe (who employs this awesome waitress) and other chain restaurants are to blame for this huge injustice! The corporate tycoons who head these chain restaurants do not back up their employees and ensure that diners must leave an appropriate tip. Tips are completely optional for diners. Based on policies set forth by the restaurant chain owners, each and every diner could theoretically dine in and leave no tip at all, and there would be no consequence to anyone but the hard working servers. The restaurant can't run without food servers! It is time we receive the compensation we deserve!

Cure: It must be mandated by chain restaurant owners that diners tip servers prior to receiving service, not after. Originally, this was how tipping began. TIPS stands for "to ensure prompt service." Let's bring back the origin of the word! If this mandate is put into action, diners would be 100% more likely to leave a decent tip for all the future doctors, lawyers, and world leaders who are working their way through college as servers. Servers would feel greater appreciation from the company owners. The restaurants would run smoother because everyone would be fairly compensated and motivation and moral would increase. And I would be in a better mood at least 50% of the time, which would benefit everyone in my community!

Cost/Benefit: The only cost would be to those who dine out. It would be a mere 15-20% of what they are expecting to spend at their restaurant of choice. There would be no cost to the company, so there would be no residual increase in food cost or labor cost. In fact, labor cost could theoretically decrease, because if servers knew that they would receive a fair tip from every single table they would likely take an hourly salary cut, which would save the company money and therefore make dining out even more affordable for diners. This is a serious issue. Attention must be paid! Vote for me! And get the service you deserve when you dine out!
THB: Servers should be tipped before people dine instead of after.
Jenny Springman

Anonymous said...

The house believes that Michael Balalis should be allowed to gain entrance into the NBA even though he is a nimble 5'10", along with anyone else who wishes to join.

1) ILL - Michael Balalis and millions of other hopeful undersized basketball players will never have a shot at the NBA mainly based on their height that was transferred to them by their cruel gene pool. I should not have to suffer because my mom is 5'3". I have a great jump shot and I'm sure there are many other young hopefuls who will never even get glanced at just because of the demographic they are thrown in -- "small people".

2) BLAME - The blame has to go to our parents who bless us (or un-bless us) with the ability to not be tall at all. Everyone knows the "short guys" in the NBA are still over six feet tall and the average height of men in the world is clearly under that. I also blame the competitive approach to the NBA only having a select amount of players on each team.

3) Cure - We want to propose the addition of 40 extra NBA teams and the distribution of shorter men to be scattered throughout the abundance of newly added franchises. I think I would have a lot to bring to the table and if we are granted entrance to the NBA, regardless of height, everyone will feel a lot better about themselves and not so angry at their parents for the terrible genes they passed on for generations.

4) Cost - A professional franchise in the NBA today is clearly over $1 billion dollars and we're going to need to multiply this by 40 to get a clear estimate of what kind of budget we will need. Me and the other short guys will not only bring entertainment to the NBA but revenue in merchandise and clothing that offers hope to men of average height all over the world. Sure it may cost the NBA billions of dollars to fund our newly added franchises, but we will start a revolution and let everyone know that height is nothing. The only thing the NBA should measure is the size and strength of our heart.

- Michael T. Balalis

Anonymous said...

THB: My Doctor's Office should provide to me a miracle drug (liposuction in a pill) that makes you lose an extra 10 pounds after taking it for a week.

Ill Contention 1: I am tired of being slightly overweight and I know that a lot of people out there are, so why hasn't this drug been invented? It would be like liposuction in a pill form, it shrinks the fat cells. Summer is right around the corner and I want to be bikini ready, just like some of my friends and others girls around me. Working out is fun and it makes me feel better, but it is not working fast enough. I need something else to help me and starving myself is not gonna happen. This will really help with the Obesity problem also! There may be some health risks, but aren't there health risks in every drug that we take to help us lose an extra few pounds, so I don't see the difference with this one.

Blame Contention 2: This is the Fast food industries fault for making unhealthy food. I don't even eat fast food anymore, but it is there fault why I am slightly overweight because when I did gain these extra few pounds I was eating fast food. Therefore, the medical industry needs to invent a miracle drug that will shrink a small amount of fat. I'm not asking for a huge amount, I just want to be a few pounds lighter.

Cure Contention 3: My plan is to write a letter to the leaders in medicine and have them work with Plastic surgery offices, so this drug can be invented. I will go around and get one thousand signatures and send that with the letter, so they know I am not the only one that believes this is a great and beneficial idea. Then this miracle liposuction in a pill drug to be invented. It will cost the medical industry to make the miracle liposuction in a pill drug, but they will get there money back because consumers will pay for them. I know I will be the first in line to get one! And the Fast Food industry will still be able to make their unhealthy food, so they would not lose any money.

Cost/Benefits Contention 4: My plan is great and i know there will be lots of people besides me that will be interested in this drug! If this will not cost them anything and I know they will make a huge profit off of it, why not make it? This would definitely benefit all of us girls and guys out there that want to lose an extra ten pounds before summer and working out just isn't giving us the results we want yet.

-Ashley Robinson

Anonymous said...

The house believes that Michael Balalis should be allowed to gain entrance into the NBA even though he is a nimble 5'10", along with anyone else who wishes to join.

1) ILL - Michael Balalis and millions of other hopeful undersized basketball players will never have a shot at the NBA mainly based on their height that was transferred to them by their cruel gene pool. I should not have to suffer because my mom is 5'3". I have a great jump shot and I'm sure there are many other young hopefuls who will never even get glanced at just because of the demographic they are thrown in -- "small people".

2) BLAME - The blame has to go to our parents who bless us (or un-bless us) with the ability to not be tall at all. Everyone knows the "short guys" in the NBA are still over six feet tall and the average height of men in the world is clearly under that. I also blame the competitive approach to the NBA only having a select amount of players on each team.

3) Cure - We want to propose the addition of 40 extra NBA teams and the distribution of shorter men to be scattered throughout the abundance of newly added franchises. I think I would have a lot to bring to the table and if we are granted entrance to the NBA, regardless of height, everyone will feel a lot better about themselves and not so angry at their parents for the terrible genes they passed on for generations.

4) Cost - A professional franchise in the NBA today is clearly over $1 billion dollars and we're going to need to multiply this by 40 to get a clear estimate of what kind of budget we will need. Me and the other short guys will not only bring entertainment to the NBA but revenue in merchandise and clothing that offers hope to men of average height all over the world. Sure it may cost the NBA billions of dollars to fund our newly added franchises, but we will start a revolution and let everyone know that height is nothing. The only thing the NBA should measure is the size and strength of our heart.

- Michael T. Balalis

Anonymous said...

Resolved: The tax rate for those earning above $500,000 should be raised to help resolve the federal deficit.

Ill- The federal deficit just keeps raising and raising, to the point that our great grandchildren will be paying off the money that the governments of our generation spent.

Blame - The government is taking in less money than it spends. The tax rate for the rich elites of this country have been the lowest in the last 50 years since President George W. Bush.

Cure - We need to raise the amount of money the federal government takes in while spending less.

Cost/Benefits - This plan will cost the rich a larger portion of their money that they are already sitting on. While the middle class has been suffering from the economic repression, profits for corporations have been skyrocketing. This plan will benefit everyone because it will lower the federal deficit which will help our dependency from taking loans from China.

King Xiong

Anonymous said...

my job should give me a raise

1. cost of living is raising and it is becoming to make end meet.

2. the economy because low class people and student have limited income

3. giving me a fifty cent or one dollar raise will help me make ends meet.

4. the benefits is allowing to not stress about money as much and focus on work.

Anonymous said...

my job should give me a raise

1. cost of living is raising and it is becoming to make end meet.

2. the economy because low class people and student have limited income

3. giving me a fifty cent or one dollar raise will help me make ends meet.

4. the benefits is allowing to not stress about money as much and focus on work.

-neal vickers

Matt Spoli said...

THB: More space should be provided for bike parking.

Ill: With insufficient bike parking, cyclist run the risk of not finding a place for their bike, and having to search the campus for a place to park. This can cause student cyclists to run late to class, causing educational issues later on, because of insufficient parking.

Blame: School officials who will not approve funding for additional bike parking.

Plan: Raise and approve funding to install bike racks more frequently across the campus.

Cost/Benefit: The cost of additional bike parking is insignificant compared to the benefit of additional bike parking. More parking will allow more students to ride more bikes. more bike riding allows both education and environment to prosper.

Sandra said...

YOU GUYS CRACK ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Johnny Nguyen said...

resolve: i deserve a raise at work
ill: i work too damn hard for too many hours in a hostile enviroment
blame: the owner of the company is too cheap to pay it's employee for the amount of work they do
plan: give the employees a raise PLUS a bonus
cost/benefits: owner will have to pay a higher rate but the employees will be happy and perform better at their job. plus they will keep the job so the employer doesn't have to re-hire + re-train the newly hired employees

-Johnny Nguyen

Anonymous said...

Resolution: THB Food should be free for all US citizens.

Ill: Food prices are rising and the economy is worsening. More and more people are going to bed without food. People all across the nation are not getting the proper amount of food that they need.

Blame: The government, USDA. The government has neglected the food that its citizen's eat. The government should be responsible for providing food for its citizens to ensure a health nation.

Plan: Restaurants will be subsidized through the government and all meals will be free. Same with grocery stores.

Cost/benefits: May cost a lot of money from the tax payers, but the nation as a whole will grow and become healthy.

Kavi Lal

michelle_vaughn said...

THB: My mom should take me to Hawaii this summer.

Ill: I have had a long semester and have worked hard at school and work.

Blame: I was busy and could not go during any other break. My dad is to blame also because he doesn't really want to send us.

Plan/Cure: To not plan anything for the week we want to go (no school) also convince my dad that we would have good bonding time on the trip and it would we a good experience.

Cost/benefits: The benefits of the great trip and tan i will have when I come back will greatly outweigh the Cost and also I can pay for some of the trip with my own money.