Monday, October 13, 2008

Debate Torney Info For Friday 10/17 @ SCC

This should answer all your concerns about the tournament, please post any questions or ideas you have about Friday on the comments for this blog. SCC is off of the 12th St exit from Hwy 99 or the Sutterville exit from Hwy 5. Mapquest fro exact dirtections and try to carpool! --S

You and your students are cordially invited to the Sacramento City College Intramural tournament on Friday, October 17, 2008 from 10:00 to 4:00 pm. Signs on campus will tell you where to go, we will be right next to the cafeteria in the Student Center. We are looking forward to an exciting day of debates and speeches. Students should come prepared to present in a professional, fun, friendly and competitive manner. This is a wonderful opportunity for your students to continue to refine their presentational skills outside of the classroom with other begining students.

We will meet in the student center on the SCC main campus and checking in starting at 9:45am. Debaters need to be present for check in at 10:00am. Late participants will be dropped once the first round of their event starts.

Students who have NOT competed in high school, or collegiate speech and debate competition are eligible.
Students who competed in previous intramural tournaments are eligible to participate as judges, or they may compete in a different pattern. Students may only enter in one event.

Students may come and observe events and rounds for extra credit participation. Lunch will be available for those students for a $5.00 fee. They must register to receive a lunch voucher.

The advanced registration fee is $7.00 cash per student. The cost covers lunch, awards, and tab room supplies. The fee will be collected from students at check in. Exact change will be appreciated.

For advanced registration email me a list of competing students by Tuesday, October 14th at 1:00pm. We will have to hold strictly to the entry deadline because of high demand, limited number of critics, and competition rooms.

Late Registration
Students who are not preregistered by their instructor by the deadline may or may not be allowed to participate based on available slots on Thursday morning. Late registration will be from 9:45 am to 10:00 am. There will be an additional fee for students who are not preregistered. The cost for late registration will be $10.00.

Judging Fees
Each instructor must provide at least one judge for every 10 students or fraction there of who are competing. Faculty members will be assessed a $50.00 judging fee should they not meet this expectation. Judging fees must be paid by 10:00 am on the day of the tournament or your students will not be allowed to participate in that days event.

Final Rounds
The goal is for all final rounds to be completed by 4:00. We encourage all competitors to stay and be supportive audience members for the final rounds of speeches. Awards will be presented in the final rounds.

Critiques will be delivered to faculty members at the end of the tournament or forwarded via campus mail on the following Monday. We encourage everyone to debrief the tournament in their classes.

1. Tentative Schedule of Events:

10:00am Registration for pattern B (Parliamentary debate)
10:00am Judges Training for Parliamentary Debate
10:15am Orientation for Parliamentary debaters and critics
10:45 am Judges Training for Platform Speeches
10:45am Round 1: Pattern B Parliamentary debate
11:00am Registration for pattern A (Impromptu, Informative, Oral Reading)
11:15am Orientation for individual event competitors
11:45am Round 1: Pattern A (Impromptu, Informative, Oral Reading)
12:00-1:30 Lunch
12:45 pm Round 2: Pattern B (Parliamentary debate)
1:45 pm Round 2: Pattern A (Impromptu, Informative, Oral Reading)
2:15 pm Finals: Pattern B (Parliamentary debate)
3:00 pm Finals: Pattern A (Impromptu, Informative, Oral Reading)4:00 pm Awards

*Parliamentary Debate:
(All teams will be hybrids, meaning student will be paired with students from other classes to form partnerships)

A. Parliamentary Debate is a formal contest of wit and rhetorical skill which theoretically occurs in a House of Parliament. Participants are the Government and Opposition teams and the moderator is Madam or Mister Speaker of the House.
B. A resolution is a sentence or phrase which provides the subject of debate. The government team has 15 minutes to prepare a case that centers on this topic.
C. Two types of speeches exist in a round: constructive and rebuttals. The order of speakers is as follows:

Prime Minister 6 min.
Leader of the Opposition 7 min.
Member of the Government 7 min.
Member of the Opposition 7 min.
Leader of the Opposition 4 min. (rebuttal)
Prime Minister 5 min. (rebuttal)

D. The purpose of the constructive speeches is to introduce the case and arguments for and against the resolution. The rebuttal will summarize the teams’ major points and responses, and no new arguments will be permitted.

Government: the responsibility of the government is to define and defend the resolution in a manner which makes it debatable.

Opposition: the responsibility of the Opposition is to clash with the Government’s case. Clash occurs either by establishing an opposing philosophy or by a point by point analysis of the Government’s arguments.

G. Three kinds of points may rise during a debate:
1. Points of Order are breaches in parliamentary proceedings. They may count against debaters who breached procedures.
2. Points of Personal Privilege are personal assaults against a participant in the debate, offensive and tasteless assertions, or charges that a speaker is grossly misconstruing the point of their opponent. The judge will rule on whether the speaker’s comments were acceptable.
3. Points of Information are common in parliamentary debate and provide a truly interactive debate. Points of Information can only be offered after the first minute and before the last minute of a constructive speech. At his or her discretion, the member holding the floor may yield to an opponent for a Point of Information. Points of Information will not exceed 30 seconds.

To make a Point of Information, a person rises and waits to be recognized by the speaker holding the floor (the one delivering the constructive speech). If the debater holding the floor does not wish to take the point of information, he/she responds, “No thank you Sir/Madam,” at which point the opponent sits down. If the debater holding the floor wishes to take the point, he/she should recognize his/her opponent by saying “Yes, Madam/Sir.”

A choice of three topics will be offered per round. The opposition will strike first, the government second, leaving the topic to be debated.

* Adapted from NCFA event descriptions and Intercollegiate Forensics: A Participants Handbook

3. Tournament Etiquette
· Present yourself professionally
· Be polite and courteous at all times
· Frequently check the postings and tournament schedule (there may be changes)
· Get to your round on time
· Be active listeners while others are speaking
· Plan to stay through the entire round, arriving on time and staying until the judge dismisses you
· Make sure, when you leave, that the room is in the same condition you found it (put desks back in order, erase the chalkboard, throw away trash, etc.)

· Don't ask the judges to reveal their decisions
· Don't walk in while someone is speaking
· Don't talk loudly outside a competition room
· Don't go to the Tab Room to find out how you did (all will be announced at awards)


PkC said...

pretty nervous. are we matching at all as a "team"?!?

Anonymous said...

=( i thought i could make it. but i have an important lab i can't skip tomorrow. crap. my grade would've been save so good.

PkC said...

it was pretty flippin fun.

Anonymous said...

well I was there and I loved it maybe with more experiance under my belt I can join the debate team I would love it..hard work and stressful days my cup of tea..
Anna martinez