communication competence is important as we leave each other to go on into the sunshine! name one competent communicator in your life and at least 2 reasons with examples of why he or she is competent and well-recieved. consider: cultural diversity, gender, income levels, listening skills, tone of voice, words and action. please keep in touch through email, it was a pleasure meeting you all!
--your blogging leader
I believe that my oldest sister is a great communicator in my life because she is a person anyone can talk to. She is very open minded and even if other's opinion is different from hers she doesn't condemn them. she tries to see from their point of view and why they have that certain opinion. She is also a great listener and the best adviser. She is also a very generous person. Ever time when I have problems or just need an advise she is the person I will go to.
bee moua
One competent communicator that i look up to is Rose. She is one of the only female Hmong radio host we have in our cultural, and to top it off she's a female too so i can relate to her too. She is competent because she speaks her mind and tells other directly how she feels and what she thinks is right or wrong. He doesn't care what other thinks of her if he knows what she's fighting for then she goes for it. For example, a couple of years ago on another American radio show, a female host who isn't of any Hmong or Asian background made some negative comment and statement about our society and cultural and it become a really big issue in our Hmong society. Rose was one of the few people who stood up to her and demand her to explain herself for her statements and took her on but the other host refuses to make another comment. I see her as a competent communicator because she is a strong person who talks her mind.
Mai Vang
Coms 2
One communicator that I definitely look up to is my friend Joe. He definitely knows how to communicate in any situation. I see him as a competent communicator because he speaks his mind and does not make the other person feel little. He knows when to joke and when to be serious2
On of the greatest communicators in my life right now is my boss, Darrin. He is very easy going and open minded, which makes him extremely approachable and easy to talk to. He is a wonderful advisor as well, and as a director in this field, that is pretty unique. So a lot of people respect and admire him bc of his genuine interest in his staff.
~Shelby S.
I believe the best communicator I know is my daughter. She has grown up knowing she is loved and valued and that her opinion means something. She is a very compassionate little girl and yet she has a total handle on relating to people. I often times believe she is an old soul. She can carry on a conversation with someone of any age and relate to them and listen to them. She also has the ability to clearly communicate what she is feeling. She is the product of divorce and she is able to verbalize to both her father and I how she feels. I have had friends say she will probably end up being a UN Ambassador because of her ability to relate and communicate....can you tell I'm pretty darn proud of her?
Tara S
ComS 2
A good communicator in my life is Billy, my supervisor at work and good friend. He effectively communicates with the members, as well as the employees. He can convey vital information in a clear, professional manner, as well as engage anyone, regardless of age, sex or race differences, with humor. I really envy that about him.
He also effectively communicates his obsession with Superman. Constantly. And inescapably. They just released the trailer for the new movie this week, and if you spend any amount of time with him lately, you're getting an earful about that. Holy Lord, does this guy love Superman. To an extent that's borderline unhealthy. No one under 30 should be this obsessed with Superman. Hell, no one UNDER 30 should be, either. Several times a week, he'll send out a mass email to the entire roster of employees, letting them know precisely how much time is left until the new movie opens in June, down to the second. You might think this is cute, and maybe it is, until you understand that he started doing this in spring of 2005. I mean, I love Jack Bauer from "24", but one needs to draw a line in the sand on how much adoration one is willing to lavish upon a fictional character. Billy crossed that line long ago, and is now no longer even in the same continent as the line.
But he communicates well. No doubt. Ask him what the difference is between red and green Kryptonite and he'll communicate the living hell out of you.
Brandon Wolfe
Coms 2
My mother is a great communicator, she is not only a teacher but she also has a degree in communication. She is one of those people that every one calls because they are feeling bad and calling her will make them feel better. she loves helping people so even some of my high school friend who I do not even talk still call her for advice, because she is so intelligent high school in LA are always asking her to speak at there school, and she is my mom, so that makes her the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
robert miller
One competent communicator in my life is my teacher back in high school in Taiwan. He always spoke, as well as listened to his students with meaningful feedback. His tone with us was projective and peaceful, just as anyone who would be listening unto him. I think if many or some people would be like this in this world, let alone this university, my experience in America will be a more pleasant and communicative one. Thanks for the wonderful semmester!
Coms 5
My dogg, yes dogg, is a compentent communicator. He does way better then any of those carzy pysco loney bitchy girls that i have dated."I m mad at you and if you dont know why then we have a bigger problem."Hey stupid if i knew what was worong i wouldnt have asked and i would have lied to you and told you it was all my fault so that i dont have to listen to you bitch!! Sorry anyway back to my dogg. When he wants me to wake up he lets me know. he takes his paw sticks out his claw and runs them across my face while im in dream world. now im awake i have to take out. if he is irritated he sighs. yes he sighs. my dogg needs prozac hes carzy. when me and the last psyco broke up he mopped around and didnt eat. that told me he was sad. lastly when i come home and i find suprises i know he is either made at me or he has been home alone too long.
Matt Augusta #3 gimmie my 30pts YEA BOOOOYYYY!!!!!!!
One of the most competent communicator in my life is my best friend Rose. She talks at a relaxing tone and is very patient to what you have to say. She's understanding and will always try to look at your point of view. She also know's when to make jokes and take things seriously without offending anyone.
since some one worte about thier dog, im goin to write about my bird. My bird is a great communicator. For one he learned to minick other birds out side of the house and human sounds. he reconizes people and so acts on it to get his way. He can use body lanugae very well, by flying around and landing on your head to get wat he wants. so my bird is way better then that dog when i come to communicating because hes only a three inchs tall but is the boss of the living room.
Jason Harris
Coms 5
I'd have to say my mom is an excellent communicator. She has been a teacher for over 25 years and has her masters degree in teaching with a specialty in reading. This doesn't necessarily mean she's a good communicator, it's what she does that I think makes her an amazing communicator. She is a reading specialist at a local Elementary school and deals with ELL students (Eglish Language Learner). Essentially she works with the students who are trying to learn english, she has to deal with communication and cultural differences on a daily basis. Not only does she deal with the second language students but because of her specialty and position at the school she usually gets the second language students that need the most help. As well as dealing with second language students she is also very culturally aware, she has a lot of basic knowledge that amazes even me despite the fact that I've known her for the entire 20 years of my life. I think her education as an english major and all of her experience in the field dealing with students who speak little english has given her an amazing ability to put things into words and to make sure that people understand her point.
I think Sandra Wheeler is a competent communicator. She demonstrates all the components of being a competent communicator: knowledge, skill, and motivation. Knowledge simply means knowing what behavior is best suited for a given situation. Skill is having the ability to apply that behavior in the given context. Motivation is having the desire to communicate in a competent manner.
She is open minded and a good listener. She's funny, smart, and creative. She encourages people to be effective communicators by assigning blogs to think outside the box and interact with other bloggers. To top it off, she is by far the most stylist teacher @ CSUS. Her style definitely illustrates originality. I enjoyed your class. Have a great summer!!
Melanie M. COMS 2
I would defintely say my best friend. He is the most well-communicated person I have byfar met. I guess this falls in relation to communicating with me. You know what I think plays alot of part? Cultural common-ground. You see this guy and I come from similar backgrounds making ourselves relate to each other and our families...Weird thing is its not common to find that atleast in the sense of being a mixed breed. Were both half-filipino/white. How'd we find each other, who knows?! I enjoy communicating with him because of his integrity, honesty, and loyalty. Those traits don't come through in many. :) You know if there is one thing I learned from my last boyfriend it's this: If you don't speak up, you won't be heard. Very true and I believe that if we don't say what should and needs to be said we can't except much from another person to do the same. We need to meet one another half-way. It was nice meeting you as well Sandra. Many blessings to you! :)
Erica O.
Coms 2
My boyfriend is a competent communicator.He is a very outgoing guy who loves to talk. He's very smart, motivated and most of all, down to earth. Another reason why i believe that he is a competent communicator is because he can have a conversation with anyone. I remember his mom telling me that he talks so much that he can keep a conversation with a rock...
It was nice knowing you Sandra..Best of luck with you and your baby.....Have a NiCe SuMMer...!!!
Joy B:) CoMs 2
Daphne Massey
A competent communicator in my life is my associate pastor,Rev. Paul Griffith. Reverend Griffith is well received because he speaks very clearly and loudly whenever he is in the pulpit. In addition, he also has this presence about himself to where he draws people in. My associate pastor could say anything and make it sound good to anyone. Another reason why my associate pastor is well received is because he incorporates humor into his speaking. He is always aware of his audience and knows the appropriate times for comic relief. In conclusion, my associate pastor, Rev. Paul Griffith is a great communicator because he has a great voice and diction as well as the ability to entertain the congregation.
I would definately have to say that my boyfriend Sam is a wonderful communicator. He and I can talk to hours and hours. I've never known anyone that can relate and talk to any person like he does. He can hold a conversation with any person and relate with them. He has a wide understanding of very many things. He's very well educated and well spoken. He has a great sense of humor and he's very relatable and very respectful. He's not shy and he doesn't hold back. I love him!!!
Coms 2
My boyfriend is a competent communicator. I say this because he was born and raised in Mexico, but learned to speak English fluently within a few years of living in the U.S. Now he fluently speaks, understands and writes both languages. He even helps me with my English assignments. I thinks a competemt communicator, is someone who can effectively communicate to different groups of people. People who are bilingual use their communications to become competent communicators between two groups of people.
Mary Flake
Coms 2
I would have to say that my grandfather is a great communicator. he is very confident and friendly. He will stop and talk to a perfect stranger and have a conversation with them like they are old friends. He also used to be a salesman and was very good at it, so he had to have been an effective communicator in order to persuade people to buy his product. He has great tone of voice; very wise. Whenever he speaks people listen because he always sounds like he knows what he is talking about, even if he does not. My grandfather is one of the most effective communicators I know and Love.
Kaliicye Richardson coms 5
My Aunt has always been precieved as a good communicator. She has a quiet voice so you would think no one can here her but people atually do. She is very clear when she speaks and sounds very educated. She makes direct eye contact and makes you feel like your the only one in the room because she fully is focused on the disscusion between the person she talks to and her. I really enjoy talking to her. She never really messes up her words and she has a really soothing relaxing voice. I think thats why many people respond to her.
kayla Paulick
comms 5
Melanie H.
I respect my Pastor's communication skills more than anyone else's. To get up in front of a group of people and preach the way he does must not be easy! I try to tweak my conversations or speeches to leave out the parts that may offend people, but he preaches from the heart and wants his congregation to follow God. This means he has to say things that offend, but also open our eyes. I am so very grateful to have a Pastor who preaches doctrine that is true, not flattering. Many people must feel the same because my church keeps growing!
A great communicator I know is my friend Heather. I met with her every monday of this semester and we just talk about what is going on in our lives and encourage each other. She is a really good listener, and she challenged me to do better every time we met. She has a talent for getting to know people through listening and drawing them out with good questions.
Naomi D Coms 2
I will have to claim ditto on what Melanie H. had to say about her pastor. I absolutely love hearing my pastor speak. He has gotten my family (non-church goers) to love coming just to hear him speak. I believe he is such a great speaker because he is very active and keeps you waiting for more. He changes his tone from loud to really quiet when he really wants us to pay attention. He also speaks in conversational, comedic voice always full of a ton of facts and stories. He helps to make church enjoyable :)
Ashley F.
I think my roomate is a good competent communicator because evem though she speaks spanish her english just has a flow. She is a good speaker becuase she finds it easy to talk about any topic without hestiating. She also is a very good listener something i need to improve.
Elizabeth Zepeda
Lou Saelee
Coms 5
My older brother Lo is definately a competent communicator. He's always on the look out for me and understands what stage of life I'm going through. I can always trust his opinion because he's been through just as much as me. The way he approaches me when there is a situation is always reasonable and I as his younger brother always understand why he's coming to me in that form whether it's with authority or composure. Advice is extremely important to me and I can always trust my brother as a competent communicator to go to.
My mom is a very competent communicator. She always knows how to get across what she wants to get across even if its not the easiest thing to do. I am sometimes very hard to console with if there is a problem my family or whoever doesnt want to talk to me about it, as I can be difficult. ;) My mom though even though she may not want to, will be the one to come across and tell me what I need to be told. She is very good at talking on an interpersonal level whether it has to do with something serious or something she is joking around about. I think it is part in due to being the youngest child of my grandparents and when she needed to be heard, she had to go out of her way to do that. I am the oldest of her kids, so I always had alot of attention either way, so I admire her ability to communicate effectively.
-MJ Hernandez
My boss is a very competent communicator. She is a judge and is very knowledgable and has to commnicate clearly to the people who come into her court room. She also has to be authorative in the way she talks so people do not take advantage of here and provide her with respect.
Lisa B.
Coms 5
my uncle is a very competent communicator. He very often uses logos to persuade people to believe in what he has to say. In addition to that he has a past record of always speaking truthfully, which boosts his credibility. That and the fact that he is not a hypocrite (the things he tells people to do he's willing to do himself). that's why my uncle is a competent communicator
-Jake coms 2
The competent communicator in my life is my father. He encourages me to come to him when I need advice and he listens to me when I take him up on that offer. He has remained a big part of my life ever since I can remember. A few of the most important things he has taught me is to always be honest, kind, and open minded towards others. What makes him such a competent communicator is that fact that no matter what he says or how he says it, he always has my best interest in mind. I appreciate that and love him very much for it.
Justin Reese
ComS 2
One competent communicator in my life is ME. I say what I mean and I mean what I say! There is no hidden meaning behind my words I don't play games. I'm straight forward but I can come off strong at times but if people are open with me and tell me how they feel I will realize what I'm doing and try to understand. I have great listening skills and whenever my friends need to talk or get advice they come to me.
Kati K. Coms 5
Melanie M.
Have fun everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
All i have to say is have a fun summer.
a competent communicator in my life is my father. first of all i feel very comfortable talking to him about almost anything, and he will listen and respond to me in a way that a lot of people will not. i dont know if it is because im a big guy and i scare evryone else, but nobody talks to me like my father does. this is very comforting to me.
aaron coms 5
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