Feeling lost? here's a map: For the second to last blog of the semester, I am getting a little choked up....or maybe its just allergies--who knows? Any-hoo, for this blog entry, make a persuasive claim about blogging as a map (figurative analogy, for those A students out there!) How is blogging a unique form of communication, does it lead you anywhere different, develop any new directions of thought? Remember: Rhetoric is the art of using all available means of persuasion, or, according to worldwideschool.org, rhetoric is "languguage all dressed up." So, is blogging a form of rhetoric?
Melanie H.
Coms 2
I think blogging has helped me develop my argumentative skills a lot. Every time I do a blog, I learn something new about myself and different things that are going on in the world. This is all thanks to the interesting and challenging topics our teacher, Sandra Wheeler, gives us to do. Take the blog on the young man with, I believe, autism. This young man was allowed to play in his first basketball game and he scored a huge amount of points in just a few minutes! I thought that story was inspiring and also an argument in itself that people with "disabilities" are just as talented and able as anyone else. So, yes, I think blogging should be considered a form of rhetoric.
Blogging has help me increase my communication skills and allow me to really open up to my opinions. I am able to say hat i want with out any fear of what others might think. It has gave me the chance to say things that i would have not said in class because i might think that it's not important to related to the topic. It also have allow to talk and think about things that i woudl not normally think about; therefore, i would say that blogging has hepl me develop a new dirtection of thought. To be honest, in the beginning of he semester when we were told that we were suppose to do blogs too as an additional assignment i was not all that excited about it but as time when by i guess you can say i look forward to doing them, some of the topics were very interesting as a matter of fact i even found myself after replying to some of them blogs going and also posting my blog answers to my personal site. now how cheseey is that? But then again it was a lot of fun expressing what i thoughts are and read what other think of it too. Overall, i would sayig that the blogging was a great experince especially since the whole class was invovle in it too. Maybe i should start my own blog site too ^_^ come to think of it my site is pretty much a blog too only that nonmember of the host site cannot comment on it but the more comment the better it is. I really like this blog format because it allows others to anwser to it too, eve if they are not a member of the host site.
Mai Vang
Coms 2
Also in additon, i do believe that blogging is a form of rhetoric because we are while talking about certain topic arguming our view in a persuasive way. Plus when we are writing we are trying to tell what our opinions are on the topic and try to make other sees what we think of it. so yes, blogging is a form of rhetoric.
Mai Vang
Coms 2
Blogging is a unique form of communication because it leads you to develop new directions of thought. It exposes you to the ideas of others which can persuade you to think other wise. Blogging is a combination of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary/guide site.
It's a rhetoric method of communicating with others by analyzing someone else’s idea and providing input.
Melanie M. COMS 2
Jason Harris
Coms 5
Blogging is not very unique, there are also internet forums which tend to be more technical and specific. Forums have been around a lot longer, and to me it seems as if blogs are a more user friendly version of a forum. This is partially why I really don't like "blogging" I believe more in traditional forms of internet communication such as forums, and IRC (Internet Relay Chat). IRC is basically like a chat room that goes on behind all of the webpages, it's on another level of the net, if you really want to know go here. Before forums there was USENET which was essentially a form of bulletin board/e-mail list, it's kind of complicated. What's more confusing is the use of this current "blog", Sandra is using it more like a forum or threaded discussion, when asking us to reply to a common idea, and to reply to each other. Back to the first part of the prompt, the blog is not comparable to a map in itself, but more a part of a map. Other forms of internet communication have lead up to blogs, the blog is more comparable to a destination on the map, while the Internet is the actual map.
I think that blogging is a new and cool way to communicate with the class, however i am not it's biggest fan simply because i forget when thtey are all due. I think it's cool that we can express our feelings and beliefs to our classmates. I just don't like losing points for forgetting to do it one week or 2.
Rene Perez coms 2
Blogging is like a map in that it folds up neatly and fits conveniently into any glove compartment. KIDDING.
I'm not a fan of blogging. I think it's annoying and pointless. Not this blog, mind you, as it actually does have a functional purpose to it. I mean personal blogs. What's the point of a public diary? Bit of an oxymoron there, no? Most of the blogs I've seen are comprised of the sort of pretentious navel-gazing that gets my bile churning. Like my ex-girlfriend's blog, for example, where she makes "insightful" comments about various social issues. And that's only when she isn't babbling about the new guy she's dating, and taking the occasional veiled (or direct!) swipe at me. Where does she get off? Although it doesn't bother me much anymore because she posted a picture in it recently of the two of them together, and she's packed on at least 15 pounds in the months since we broke up, and the dude is a giant mess of a human being. Oh, how I laughed.
Uh... anyway, yeah, blogs are lame. THE END.
Brandon Wolfe
Coms 2
Blogging is like a map, everyone starts out somewhere trying to find there way looking at the key and directions, occasionaly stopping when lost ( my biggest fear is being lost)and ends up at there final destination. We all started out in this class not knowing what to expect or what you expect of us I personally had little public speaking experience, other than socializing, and in the end we came together pulled through and now we've reached our objective and summer is almost here. I think bogging is an original form of communication because it allows us to view our peers thoughts as well as give them feed back about what they said or just simply add on to there thought. Blogging is a form of rhetoric because we have persuaded each other to agree with our point of view or side with our argument.
The post above is by Kati K. Coms 5
Blogging is like a map because although you and many other people may be coming from different directions you usually cross paths or meet in the middle somewhere. Each road you take is like learning something new from another person on a different road in life, which may help you to find where you were looking to go.
Ashley F.
Blogging is like a map in that it helps a person find direction on finding themselves and things he/she would never even consider or think about. The different blogs makes a person think about the issue at hand and then consider what he/she should do about it. For an example myself. The different blog that i have to responed to have actually got me thinking about different issue that i have never consider or known about. It is a unique form of communication in that a person can express themselves and their opinion to others. It is also a form of rhetoric in that each blogger is trying to persuade that their points is one of the best solution or answer to the blog.
bee moua
maps are like blogs. they put together many pices of informations to complete a over view of the world we live in. They area way to bring together many view points from all over the world to one local refrence point. Like the conpus rose that point to all directions on a map no matter where u are if u can log on to your blog spot u are connected to every place and person that is reading your blog on life.
Bill Gillespie: Hello I'm here again. Well blogging as a map is quite the analogy but, makes perfect sense. You see blogs are a form of speech that is meant to persuade others without having a personal argument. Blogs are a part of the "market place of ideas" where we share our thoughts and feelings about current events or politics. I think that blogging is an important part of the Internet and serves to further freedom of speech and the First Amendment in the U.S.A.
I definitely feel like bloggin is a map. For instance in Coms 2 when we did not have enough time to fully understand something in class when you go to the blog things were put so they could be understood easier. I think that blogging helped me through the class. Blogging also helped me learn about how my peers look at things differently. And sometimes like using a map I found a more realistic way to think of things looking at others blogs. So I guess you could say every once in a while I found a shorter route.
Blogging is like a map in that it allows us to look at things in a new way. We may all come to the same conclusion (not always) yet we all have different ways of getting there. I have never blogged before and am still trying to understand what blogging is used for (outside of this class). It is a unique way of communicating and I like what Brandon said about personal blogging being like a public journal. Thats funny!!!
Tara S
ComS 2
Blogging is a really cool way for people to express their opinions and learn new ideas from other people and yes, it is a form of rhetoric because when you write your opinion you are also trying to say it in a persuasive kind of way.
I really do not like blogging because I don’t know if any one is reading it and I do not like writing or talking if no one is ever going to see or hear it.. I am not good at getting out what I want to say in writing ( I am not a good writer) so blogging is always hard for me because it is mostly based on what u think or how u feel about a subject.
robert miller
Writing blogs is fun for me because I can write whatever i want, it's really free.However,you don't have to worry about you will offense other people's thought or opionions.On the contrary,writing blogs are able to express your opionions and feeling. Also,blogging is like a map bacause everyone has different opionions,just like a map develop in different ways.So, in the end they may have the same conclusion or it might turn to other ways. It is a unique form of communication because we can change your ideas or opionions to others and view other people's thought. It's also a form of rhetoric because trough blog i think it's the best way to tell people your ideas and also can persuasive people's thinking as well.
Blogging is for people who want to write in a diary and want erveryone to read it.
Dear Blog,
Today is saw Timmmy. He is so cute. That was the only thing good that happend beacuse i had really bad diarrea and i started my period. no fun. I hope that know one reads this eventhough i am posting it on the internet.
People want thier friends to know everything about them and dont want to tell them. I think blogging actually makes you a little dumber. One time i wanted to blog on myspace but then i realized that i didnt want anyone to read it except for the person it was about. Then i realized that if i blogged i was going to be one of those emo kids and i would have to brush my hair over my face and wear womens pants. FORGET THAT!!
Matt Augusta #2
Blogging is like a map because you can have opinions coming in from all different directions, but all these different paths can still get you to the final destination of completing the assignment. Blogging is unique for communication because it is an easy way to communicate with your whole class and read their different feelings on topics while you can respond to those or go off in a different direction and provide you own insight. Blogging is a form of rhetoric becuase all your blogs can persuade people to agree or disagree with you beliefs.
Lisa B.
Coms 5
Blogging is interesting. You see, blogging is something I have partaken in the last 3-4 years and I have found it a unique outlet as to express myself. In relation to blogging being compared to a map is different. Blogging does piece many things together but goes up a notch (from a journal) because anyone can indulge your "public" life...how public it becomes, who knows? It's a map in that sense. Many will view or even come across it and together what we've said (unintentionally) to someone else may have a lasting impression on us in relation to their own lives without us even meeting face to face. Talk about expanding the horizons. :)
Erica O.
Coms 2
Blogging is a map that helps one to find a direction through a form of communication. With the use of the blogs, one is able to express or persuade a thought or information needed. I myself like to blog because at times I'm too shy to say anything in class that I don't get my point through. BUt with the blogs, I am able to argue my point and therefore, others are able to understand my thoughts on a subject. Blog can also be helpful in a way that it helps me build my communicatin skills...
Joy B>>>CoMs 2
Blogging is similar to a map in that it can be our starting point or place of departure. The teacher, who in this case in Sandra, who posts the blog directs the class to a certain point by creating a topic. In addition like a map blogging gives us the freedom to take our own route to the destination we want to get. Our individuality is the result of our differences. Although all may write different the destination is the same. In blogging we take route according to the instructions just as a driver will give another driver driving directions or as a map as well.
Cuitlahuac Sanchez coms 5
Blogging is a very interesting form of communication. I like what Brittany had to say in the previous posting, "Blogging in this class is very much like a map in that we are all going to the same place, but are taking different roads." Blogging is a unique way to portray, as well as recieve, different perspectives on varying aspects of life. So yes, blogging is a form of rhetoric because each individual has his/her own language. These seperate but intertwined languages(Remember: map leading to the same place taking different roads) are in fact means of persuasion which allow the next person to develop their own opinion about the topic of interest.
Justin Reese
ComS 2
I think that blogging is like a open forum to express your feelings. I have various blogs... well only 2 actually. I always write about my thoughts, experiences and feelings, and it's good to get feedback from people who you don't know, to expand the perspectives to the issues at hand. As far as blogging as a map... I don't know. I don't think that it gets you any where different than it would get you if you just talked to a person. Blogging is the future though, it's alot cheaper than text messaging and talking on the phone. In the sense that it's a technological advance, it's a map to the future.
Coms 2
Mary Flake
Coms 2
I think that blogging is a great way of communicating. I is a way to express yourself without fear of judgement. It is also a great way to learn about you classmates, their beliefs and ideas, which we don't talk about in class. By bloging, everyone gets their point across without interuptions. Blogging is great. Blogging is also a map because you can always go back and see where how communication skills have evolved. I can go back and track ideas and topics from weeks ago.
I totally agree with Mary from coms 2. It is a great way of communication. you can discuss things that might not have been talked about in class. It is also a good way of getting to know people because their personality still shines through in their writing. Blogging can be like a map because you can see were you have been and also see where you are going or how you are progressing with your communication skills.
Kaliicye Richardson coms 5
Blogging in general is an amazing form of communication. It allows one to advertise their thoughts/ideas/beliefs/opinions and everyone can see it since it's online. In addition it allows one to be who they really are and to express themselves the way that they want to. Blogging is kind of a map to the reader.. you can see how they really feel or express themselves.. kind of like when you watch a movie or play where the character reveals his/her thoughts to the audience but not to the other actors. you can follow their thoughts and know how to read the person in the future.
-Jake coms 2
I like blogging. I don't normally participate in it but I think its a good way for people to express their opinions. I think the computer gives people more confidence in things they say. So blogging can help get to the point. I don't think blogging is a form of rehtoric because it has been my experince that its more straight forward and to the point plus no one wants to type more than have too.
Kayla Paulick
comms 5
I personally am not into "blogging" but i do post on some online forum boards and feel that it is fairly similar to blogging. I strongly believe any form of online communication is rhetorical. For instance i can pose as different people in a chat room or message board, or i could act differently then i do in real life. I actually do this, not on purpose but i think it is just how the internet interactes with online communicators. An example of this is how i communicate using AOL intant messanger, i often say "wassup" when in real life i rarely say this. I believe this to be habbit and it is also rhetorical.
Dr. Travis White
Ok, so going with the whole 'blogging as a map' thing, I'll take a stab at interpreting this figuratively. I say that the material that we are presented by our professors regarding the communications model, and how to establish a strong argument etc, are like the intrastate highways; those that revolved around a single state. Those are the individual concepts presented during separate occasions, or even in separate classes. It is then up to us to find the interstate (those that connect one state to another), in this way making the connections of one topic to another, therefore learning how to use rhetoric effectively. Blogging, then would be those smaller freeways and roads along the way that we use to get from the intra state (concepts provided to us in class), to the inter states (our understanding of how the concepts connect to each other). Blogging is a form of rhetoric, one that is useful in taking the concepts taught in class and putting them to use.
Amanda Rodriguez
Blogging is a form of communication because it allows the writer to express him/her to others. By posting a blog everyone is able to read your opinions,. thoughts, and emotions about a topic. Just like reading a map. It guides you to understand the person persepective. in blogging each person has its own language and the use of it.
ELizabeth Zepeda
The great thing about blogging (especially for the purposes of this class) is that it gives you an outside perspective of others at any given time. The posts are there for people to check from time to time, whereas what is actually written is usually transposed thought onto the screen. Blogging gives everyone a voice (an anonymous one if you choose) and allows that voice to be brutally honest without major interpersonal confrontation/scrutinization. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing though, but for the most part it is good. Rhetoric is "languguage all dressed up"? hehe. Blogging is a form of rhetoric in the sense that it can allow for people to put deeper thought into an issue they feel strongly about, and express that in a profound way. Blogging also allows for people to respond and help understand each other better.
-MJ Hernandez
I feel the best thing about blogging is the ablity for other opinions on a particuliar subject. it gives us a wide veriate of imformation on different perspectives. allowing the writers to express their knowledge of a subject. Blogging is a Rythmic art of communication.
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