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Sunday, April 23, 2006
Debates, due May 2nd Coms 2 and 5
Hi There--The sun is out --hooray! For this blog, describe an on-going debate you have with some one close in your life and something from the class that relates to this issue, (4 lines minimum for credit). I'll go first! My dad and I always debate about creation versus evolution and various possible combinations...It relates to concepts such as persuasion in Coms 5 and the ability to convince one to "change" or open their mind, on either side of an issue, we both think we are "right!" --It also relates to Coms 5 is that our debates are performances of our family dynamic, a way we strengthen our roles and personas within the family. Whose next?????--S
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My mother and I have an ongoing debate on how much the United States envolvement in Iraq has to do with religious views. Though it is unsaid by the media or figures of authority, I believe part of the reason that may have spawned alot of our ideas of why we should attack Iraq, not just our own belief, but that of those who are followers of Islam. Not to say its the only reason, but I think if we didnt have (apparently) such conflicting beliefs, the conflict might not be as great as it is. My mother says she disagrees (and she may be right) but I happen to believe the other way. This also relates to persuasion or the ability to convince one to change or open their mind on either side of an issue on which we both think we are right. Its a debate which regards individualistic cultures which value freedom, choice, uniqueness, and independence.
-MJ Hernandez
my sister and i have an ongoing debate on whether or not she should work at target where i work, because she likes to spend money and that place that she works doesnt pay her well. i am trying to persuade her to work at target for more than one reason. working at a big corporation like target you learn a lot and get a lot of experience with many different thing in life. she thinks that she is too good for target, that she should get a better job, im telling her tha it is a good start to work at target. i will convince her before too long.
aaron b. coms 5
My sister and I always debate about pointless things such as colors style and your comment habits. One of the recent debates we had have over hair. She said that it was stupid and pointless for people to dye their hair and spend so much time on just hair. I see where she's coming from, I mean I don't even bother doing all that much about my hair too but doing so is not stupid or point less. Everyone has a reason for what they do; I try to explain to her that people choose to do so because they want to express themselves in a different way. The way we dress, talk and act are all a part of who we are and how we want others to view us. I told her that it has to do with communication and that I learned that there is any concepts that describe this. It's all about persona. And of course she said "Huh!? What’s persona?" So basically I said that persona is like a character we play and who is our self and who or what we want to be. The persona is like the mask or appearance one presents to the world. So after a long debated, she finally agreed with me about persona and expressing oneself but still think dying hair is not necessary.
Mai Vang
Coms 2
One of my roommates and I are in a costant debate over certain things that go on in our apartment. One thing along with many other debates is that he does not buy groceries very often. I go an buy groceries and he eats my food all the time without asking. It would be one thing if he would ask but he does't. I try and talk to time about it and it never goes anywhere. Many times he does not look outside of his box. Finally I went to my other roommate and got "evidence" from him. He told me that he has seen him eating my food without even thinking. I have tryed to be "open-minded" and look at both sides of this and other issues and I never seem to win. It would not be a big problem but he need to help out and I am going to try and stay calm and not make a big deal about it considering I only have a few more weeks here. This is one debate that will never be solved. The best thing I can do is go about my business and do what I do.
James Payne
ComS 2
I constantly debate with my dad about what to feed my dog because he thinks that she is a garbage disposal. I am always catching him and making him throw th food away so she doesn't get really unhealthy. He says that its good for her and she likes it but my dog would eat anything. Plus if he feeding her junk she will get chuncky. This relates to my coms 5 class because regardless what the other person says I doubt either of us will change unless the dog actually does get super chuncky and unhealthy.
Kayla Paulick
comms 5
One of my best friends and I are always debating who is the better female entertainer- Janet Jackson or Madonna. Both of us are former dancers, so we tend to focus on which female is the better dancer and who is more inspiring. She and I have different styles of dance and therefore are inspired and motivated by different entertainers most of the time. Due to this fact, we will forever debate about this unless we change our criteria for our critical analysis of Janet's and Madonna's performances. Although we can both appreciate the talent and performances of both females, I highly doubt either of us will ever persuade the other to change her vote!
~Shelby S., ComS 002
I swear my boyfriend and I always debate on where to eat. We take turns picking places to eat at and sometimes I just run out of ideas. So we end up eating at the same spots. There's food I enjoy eating over and over like sushi and teriyaki which I'm sure he gets sick of. Since I like eating these things I can easily persuade him to eat it too since it's my turn to pick!
Melanie M. Coms 2
A former boyfriend and I always argued about fidelity (yeah we're definetly not together anymore). He thought that it was not possible for boys and girls to be just friend, which I thought was completely wrong especially since I had plenty of good friends of the opposite sex. I would persuade him to trust me and he wouldn't budge (he's extremely posessive!). This relates to are final persuasive speech in coms 5. It's only obvious why.
Kati K Coms 5
My dad and I debate over whether I should have to quit vaulting or not. Twelve years ago he is the one that got me into the sport and since high school he has beeen trying his hardest to get me to quit. I don't see why I should have to because it brings me joy and doesnt cause any harm to my life. My father thinks that becoming a circus freak will get me no where in life. The argument still continues and I am still vaulting.
Ashley F.
My friend, who is like a brother to me, and I constantly argue about whether President George Bush is a good leader for the nation. He is a republican so of course he believes that Bush is the best. However, since I'm a democrat, Bush is really not so great. We always go at it whenever we see eachother. I would state the cons about Bush and he''d state the 'so-called' pros on Bush.
Either way, I still believe Bush sucks.
more her comms 05
Every thanksgiving my Dad's side of the family comes over and we argue about politics in general. My immediate family is Republican and my grandmother, uncle, and aunt are Democrats. We argue for HOURS about god knows what. (Pretty much whatever is going on in the news at the time. It's kind of fun and educational
-David Hine
My boyfriend and i always argue on who should drive the long distance when we go on road shows. My mom and da always told me that driving is the mans job. When I tell him that he doesn't agree. He says it is my car and I am tired. That has nothing to do with it. He should drive because I am the girl and because it is for his show. He argues it is his show and he needs to rest for his performance. We never agree but in the end I put on my "baby pleas" face and he drives. But always after an argument.
Ashley Davis
Coms 2
Elizabeth Zepeda
My dad and I always bump heads on certain situtations such as my younger sister having a boyfriend. He knows me too well that at times he will give up becuase he knows i must have the last word. However, when I am right i present him the facts such as when i was younger i couldnt have a boyfriend until i was 16 but i went behind his back. I told him if he doesn't let her have one then she will do the same. I win!!!
Me and my sister always debate on who's turn it is to do chores around the house and take our dog for a walk. We switch turns every week, but she tries to come up with some lame excuse like I didn't wash enough dishes the other night, so therefore I should contniue doing dishes today or I didnt walk our dog long enough and that I took short cuts through the park!?? Then I bring my Mom into our debate because she's my proof that I did do my part of the chores, but then my sister always has to come up with some excuse to get away with it.
One of my roommates and I always debate on if red bull energy drink or go girl energy drinks are better. Nether of us ever win the fight because we do not know what is in either of the energy drinks, so we have nothing to back our argument. if one of us would use what we have learned in the class about Tulmin and the need for backing to make a compelling argument and applied it to our argument one of us might win the argument, but we never do, so no one ever wins the argument.
robert miller
My sisiter and I always debate about turn off or turn on the light when we are sleeping. Because i share the room with my yonger sister, everynight we have to argue about this. My sister insists she wants to turn off the light because she said that she hates dark and also afiad of ghost(this is my guess), while I insist i want to turn off the light because when you are sleeping, you close your eyes sleeping unless you open your eyes when you sleep. Sometimes we argue all night,however,I really don't want to argue with her which we always circle in the same question. So I would let her turn on the light for a while. But most of time i always wait until she fall asleep and then I turn off.
My boyfriend and I always debate about the issue of whether a girl that has a boyfriend should be able to have a close guy friend. My boyfriend feel that a girlfriend should not be allowed to have a close guy friend because it could lead to many complications in a relationship. Since the guy will begin to feel insecure about his girlfriend hanging out with other guys. However, I feel that it should be okay that a female have a guy friend. There are somethings that you cannot talk to or do with your girlfriend. The boyfriend should not feel insecure because he should trust that his girlfriend will be faithful.
Bouala Vannalee
My mom and I always argue on whether or not its too fast to move into another relationship after getting out of one. I say it is so because you're vulnerable after a breakup and if the previous was pretty serious you dont want to rush the next one. I say to take your time getting to know the person first, but I guess when you're older and done both the marriage and dating thing you want to mr. right and leave it at that... Erica Coms 2
My boyfriend and I are always at it about getting a new car. He wants to get a hybrid while i want to keep the one we have. He's always saying how tired he is of driving our 99 malibu but i told him that it will be better if we wait a lil longer. Atleast after college. There are just too much bill to pay for and rent is too expensive. I can't believe he wants another bill. That will just stress me out even more....:(
Joy B. Coms 2
An ongoing debate that I have with my daughter's father is how I should invest my money. He thinks that I should invest my money in CD's and Money Market accounts instead of wasting it going shopping and buying unnecessary things. Im only 2o years old! Why would I be thinking about investing in a CD right now??? It is a good investment but I don't have $1000 laying around to open a CD. Im young and I will learn on my own what investments are suitable for me. I have always been an independent person so I hate for people to try to tell me what to do, especially with my money that I work for!! This relates to persuasion because he is trying to influence how I invest my money but this can relate to listening. Whenever he tries to tell me what to do, im hearing him but im not listening!
Chantelle Coms 5
Kaliicye Richardson- Coms 5
The debate going on in my life is whether or not I should move. My parents think that it's crazy to move out when i dont have to pay for rent or food. I want my space and independence. I guess this would relate to persuasion for class because we are trying to persuade each other. We just have different views of what is important.
My sister and I always argue on whether or not its she is going to fast in a relationship after getting out of one. I believe that after a breakup with someone you should give yourself some time alone. Also I believe that people should take their time and before they enter a new relationship. You should always get to know someone before taking that next step.
Jason Harris- Coms 5
I have a friend who is into computers, and we often argue over different AMD processors. There are several models which have minor differences but often have huge price differences. I'm always trying to pursuade him that the less expensive one is more cash efficient and sensible than the more expensive one. He always argues back that for the type of work he does that the extra goodies are actually worth the cost. We've gone back and forth on this several times, and eventually I think we actually reached a mutual agreement. I recognized that in his case the extra cost was worth it, but on average the extra cost was overboard. This showed that we both were willing to compromise and change our minds, we also both were powerful enough arguers that we could convince the other that we were right.
An ongoing debate with my older sister about whether or not I can drive home from school some days. Sometimes she says no becasue she wants to get home faster that I would. I tell her that it is good practice for me to drive around places, but she doesn't always agree. I haven't tried using the Tulmin argument against her yet, but it might work a little faster than by taking the keys to the car (which we share) before she does so I can drive.
Naomi D. Coms 2
An ongoing debate I have with my boyfriend is him wanting me to move in with him. He lives in Stockton which is almost an hour away from school with traffic and I tell him I do not want to have to make that drive everyday of the week. He tells me that I would not have to pay rent anymore and we could see each other everyday, unlike we do now. He is trying to persuade my decision by getting to my emotions because he knows I am always sad when we cannot see each other and his plan would fix that.
Lisa B.
Coms 5
An on going arguement my sister and i have is about how sometimes people do stupid things to just to fit in or to belong. My sister said that people like that do not have a life and are just straight up dumb. I think that sometimes everyone does stupid things when they are in a group or with a partner because some gain or have more courage when they know that someone is there to support them in the stupid stunt or what ever they are doing. Sometimes its just so temping because everyone is doing it. This relates to one of the facilies in class which is bandwagon. Everyone is doing it so why not and try it.
bee moua
With me still living at home it seems that every day my mother and i fallow a certain script when it comes to arguing. Heres how it goes, she will come home from work and usually go upstairs to watch some news. After a little bit she will come downstairs to go outside and garden, and at that point she will tell me about what she saw on the news. This is where the arguing comes in, she will almost always mention something on the lines of our president being an idiot and causing certain problems. When she does this she exploits the stacking the evidence fallacy. She is so one sided that i cant take anything she says seriously. While i am a left winger i can agree with some information she gives me but others are just rediculous alligations of the president being responsibly for just about everything that goes wrong.
Travis White
An on going argument me and my girlfriend always have is wether or not she should buy some chanel glasses that she has been longing for. I argue that the glasses are too expensive and they're only expensive because it is a brand name.She goes on to say that she wants them because they're nice and shes hasnt found any similar for a cheaper price. I go on to tell her that glasses are glasses and she could buy her self a nice pair of glasses for hundreds of dollars less. When we argue about this she has no good arguments about here longing for expensive plastic, therefore this realtes to the bandwagon fallacy. She only wants the glasses because their a brand name and everyone has them. The glasses are made from the same material and are the same quality as cheaper ones. She only wants to be seen with the brand, its a piece of plastic that is not of a neccesity to her only a material want.
Cuitlahuac Sanchez
My girlfriend and me always debate about religion. She believes in evoultion and i believe in creationism. I believe that God made all of us in his image, and that we did not evolve from monkies. She on the other and belives that we evolved from a certain kind of monkey.
Rene Perez Coms 2
I constantly argue with my roommate on the merits of his girlfriend. She has cheated on him several times now, but he refuses to get rid of her. His argument is that's it's better to have someone you can't trust than to have no one at all. I keep trying to persuade him that she's not worth keeping around, but he'll hear none of it. He's a boob, this guy.
Brandon Wolfe
Coms 2
Me and my dad get into arguments over the way that i fight. I agree i am not doing everything perfect, i still get punched from time to time, but if i do it the way he wants me to i will get punch way more. i try to explain it to him, but he wont listen. he tries to explain his side and i wont listen. we seriously argue in circles. But lately he has understood that i have to fight the way that makes me feel comfortable, but i know that when i do get hit while fighting my way will definitely will hear " i told you so"
Adam Tibon
Bill Gillespie: Hello, I'm going to write about My terrible experience with Chiropractic College and the confusing messages I get from my mom when disscussing it. She realizes that it is hard for me to let it go and just start over but, this is what She wants for me. My mind tells me that I must go forward with my life but, I can only do this while trying to prosecute those responsible for defrauding me. My life is now a mess with none of my Chiropractic units transfering towards any University or junior college classes. I just talked to the Biological sciences department who told me that "You can't just study a book, take a test and get a degree" but, is this not what we do in school so if I know the material why can I not use the "Dante System" to test out of some classes this dosen't seem fair nobody should have to go through this the State is responsible for my predicerment by not enforcing State laws and regulations. This will be settled soon.
Mary Flake
Coms 2
Me and my friend have an ongoing debate about marriage. She believes that people who have arranged marriage could never be happy. I dissagree with her because a happy marriage consist of more than love. Cultures that pratice arranged marriages are more focused on working towards happines. There marriage is based on providing for each other and making a lasting relationship. This could lead to caring for each other and eventually falling in love. Here in the states people marry for love, and he have the hightes devorce rate. Don't get me wrong I will marry for love, but I do believe that arranged marriages love can be found.
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