After class today, I thought I would experiment with photos on the Blog and show Chris and Alfredo that I can blog with the best of 'em! So, your next blogging assignment is to post a photo and identify a fallacy that might be evident in the photo, using Chapter Eight. The photo has to have you in it and, yes, you must have clothes on, Brian! Ok--I'll go first: Here is a picture of Steve and I...It features the faulty analogy fallacy by suggesting that being in love and getting married is ALWAYS happy bliss, LIKE a beautiful day at the beach with crashing waves and a light salty mist, a natural beautiful fantasy......when in reality, it is also like sitting in bumper to bumper traffic....or, say -- like being enlisted in the army, while other days might it is like reading an encyclopedia for nine or so hours the fallacy comes in when an argument (visual or written) relies too heavily on a particular analogy, insisting that something is LIKE something else, either literal or figurative. This example is figurative because the blissful beach serves as a metaphor for wedded bliss. A literal analogy would be: My marriage is LIKE Tom Cruise and Katy Holmes's marriage. Wait, are they married? Well, anyway, get the picture? AHAHhahaheehahah NO really, I mean it: 'get the picture' and do the assignment before I flunk you. By the way, wouldn't it have been funny if we sent out a wedding photo of the two of us slumped on the couch in wrinkled sweats, watching E.R. and fighting over the remote?
Blog City
Hey all, if you want to upload a picture online you can check out my blog and learn how to. (pictures included)
Upload A Picture Blog
Amazing! How does he manage to do it all and still attend class...most of the time anyways...Thanks Chris!--A Humble Blogging Fan
this picture would represent the fallacy of APPEAL TO EMOTION, because as you can see in the picture that my husband and I are happy, but when this picture was taken it we both look really happy and in love, but when in reality we only known each other for a week.
Fallacy: Appeal to the People
Click HERE to view my cool picture!
This is a photo of me at work. This shows a fallacy because most people believe being a Emergency Medical Technician is a very exciting job and that we save lives everyday. In reality it is a very dangerous, smelly, stressful, underpaid demanding service. You don’t see us taking Mrs. Smith to the hospital at 3:30 in the morning for a headache or the endless amounts of paperwork on every patient contact we make. Sometime we are called glorified taxi’s. All the lights, sirens and cool uniform don’t always show the whole picture.
Click Here
My picture is an appeal to tradition; it is tradition to go pick pumkins for Halloween. The fallacy is that everyone goes to a pumkin patch to pick pumkins, when in reality, a lot of people buy their pumpkins at a grocery store. And some people do not buy a pumkin at all.
Adriana: here is a picture of me in my friends car after a concert. People may not realize that the picture is my reflection on the mirrow. I think this would be a hasty generalization fallaci.
click here
Click HERE to view me teaching Rose fallacies
Click HERE to view my instructional technique!
whats up class this is sarah leary cuz last night i couldnt figure out my password and i totally forgot you can us the anonymous one so here is my thingy: i will get back to you on what kind of fallicy this is but in this picture i look pretty sweet and innocent and dont get into a lot of trouble, but in reality i am not as innocent as i look 0:)
copy and paste it on ur address thing. i forgot to do all that fancy stuff you guys are doing... show offs!
Uh, yeah, this doesn't count Alex and Sarah! We spent all that time in class so you could learn to do it right, for heaven's sakes: Julie did it and she didn't even have a computer 3 months ago! And Shellee...where is your picture missy? Inquiring minds want to know!!! Just follow Mark or Chris's directions, it will work, you non-believing "floggers" (fake bloggers).--Your Techie Guru
Click HERE to view my picture!
Pahoua--Nice extra effort! You established a live link BUT when you use an email, you have to save it at a url, through photobucket or something, then you can click on properties and send people straight to the image, this link sends us to your opening page for your email...Great opportunity to learn as a team, nice job handling photos everyone!!!! C'mon Shellee and Carrie--Send us somepics!!! :-)
Alex, you were right ,your link does work, "Mean Guy" -- So what actual fallacy is the mean guy but not really???? Anyone???--Sbloggita
Hey, how come only about half the class has a pic on this thing???? Come on people! I decided to post a factual claim about Alfredo's lovely picture... Alfredo has visited Yosemite National Park. My claim argues something that factually WAS. Not only can it be proven by looking at the photo, but he also states it in his comment... What is better proof than hearing right from the horses mouth (no offense Alfredo... You don't resemble a horse at all... Just go with the saying!). Oh, and by the way Sandra, great pics of "us"... I photograph exceptionally well! :)
WOW!!!You girls are right on the money! Good work on the factual claims...Okay, I will make a factual claim about Mark's picture: THB Dancing implies intimacy. (because) two people must embrace, costumes are often fitted and dance floors are often dimly lit...all of these behaviors are examples of intimacy, so using reasoning by example, my warrant is: Mark is a slave to the rythym...NO JUST KIDDING!!!!! My warrant is: Physical contact is sensual. NEXT??????????? Bring it!---------------Happy Halloween!!!!!
Sup all...I would like to make a factual claim based upon Julie's lovely photo. THB that weddings are a huge waste of money for newleyweds (because) it's only one day, no one ever eats the cake and the wedding singer always sucks-except Adam Sandler. Spending a ton of cash on a wedding does not guarantee a happy marriage in the long run. Money cannot buy happiness. Elope in Vegas baby.
Happy Halloween ya'll. Be safe. Chris~
Chris, you should be a wedding consultant.
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