Thanks for signing up for my class...Here is the Argumentativeness Scale [1]. I hope it lets you know where you are coming into our adventure this fall! Remember, chapter one ends with the quote: "Argumentation is about personal growth. Even if you don't win, you still grow!" (p. 21).
Indicate how often each statement is true for you personally by placing the appropriate number in the blank to the left of the statement.
If the statement is almost never true of you, place a “1” in the blank.
If the statement is rarely true of you, place a “2” in the blank.
If the statement is occasionally true of you, place a “3” in the blank.
If the statement is often true of you, place a “4” in the blank.
If the statement is almost always true of you, place a “5” in the blank.
_____ 1. While in an argument, I worry that the person I am arguing with will form a negative
impression of me.
_____ 2. Arguing over controversial issues improves my intelligence.
_____ 3. I enjoy avoiding arguments.
_____ 4. I am energetic and enthusiastic when I argue.
_____ 5. Once I finish an argument I promise myself that I will not get into another.
_____ 6. Arguing with a person creates more problems for me than it solves.
_____ 7. I have a pleasant, good feeling when I win a point in an argument.
_____ 8. When I finish arguing with someone I feel nervous and upset.
_____ 9. I enjoy a good argument over a controversial issue.
_____ 10. I get an unpleasant feeling when I realize I am about to get into an argument.
_____ 11. I enjoy defending my point of view on an issue.
_____ 12. I am happy when I keep an argument from happening.
_____ 13. I do not like to miss the opportunity to argue a controversial issue.
_____ 14. I prefer being with people who disagree with me.
_____ 15. I consider an argument an exciting intellectual challenge.
_____ 16. I find myself unable to think of effective points during an argument.
_____ 17. I feel refreshed and satisfied after an argument of a controversial issue.
_____ 18. I have the ability to do well in an argument.
_____ 19. I try to avoid getting into arguments.
_____ 20. I feel excitement when I expect that a conversation I am in is leading to an argument.
Argumentativeness Scoring
1. Add your scores on items: 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20.
2. Add 60 to the sum obtained in step 1.
3. Add your scores on items: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19.
4. To compute your argumentativeness score, subtract the total obtained in step 3 from the
total obtained in step 2.
Step 1. Step 3.
Add: Add:
2. _____ 1. _____
4. _____ 3. _____
7. _____ 5. _____
9. _____ 6. _____
11. _____ 8. _____
13. _____ 10. _____
15. _____ 12. _____
17. _____ 14. _____
18. _____ 16. _____
20. _____ 19. _____
Step 1, sub-Total _______ Step 3, sub-Total ______ (Line B)
Step 2. Step 1 sub-total above + 60 =
_____ ( Line A)
Step 4.
Line A Line B Argumentativeness Score
_____ - _____ = _______
73 – 100 = High in Argumentativeness
72 – 56 = Moderate in Argumentativeness
55 – 20 = Low in Argumentativeness
[1] Infante, D. A., & Rancer., A. S. (1992). A conceptualization and measure of argumentativeness. Journal of Personality Assessment, 46, 72-80.
Now post your score and tell us what you fear, hate, look forward to or may have allergies to in this class! Make sure I get your score!--Sandra
98 I guess I am a little argumentative.
my score was 44, i wasn't surprised because i try to avoid arugments as much as possible.
Thanks you trend setters! Hitting the blog right off the bat, now I know who to look out for! I am moderate myself, happy to engage in certain controversies but they do make me nervous...feminist models of argumentation allow for reasoned discussions with more than one possibility of resolution...I like that...Later!
61, moderate. I guess I'm average. I thought it would be a bit lower but I was trying to think of arguing in a non-negative nature when I was filling it out. I guess that had an effect.
I got a 62, which is moderate. I try to avoid arguements, but every now and then they can be fun. I don't think I'm afraid to express myself and my points of view.
I scored 55 on the quiz. I do not like to argue at all, so I was suprised to find that I was right on the edge of low and moderate in argumentativeness. I, like many others I know, associate the act of arguing to negative feelings. I am hoping this class will change my view of arguing. Here's to the semester!!!
What? my score was only a 57, Im so much more arguementative than that, this test is way off.. "its a piece of crap, it doesnt work" See I even argue with the test results, I might just be the best debater ever!
Ok I'm am going to try this again. My score was a 53 which is probable low for my true nature. I am a selfish and self centered person so I want things my way and have no problem arguing to get them. However as I am growing and maturing my values are changing and I am valuing more and more the prefrences and opinions of others. Maybe in a few years my score will be even lower.
Sup all? I scored a 89! High in Argumentativeness. Good to know. =)
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