Your last assignment is underway, (SNIFF) I'm getting a little choked up...Since we will be working with humor our talented puppet-master and controversial speech-maker Mr. Jeff P. has phoned in a powerful special guest star audio blog from the road --(click the audio entry below this one, "For a call time") Your 5 line minimum response to his audioblog is due BEFORE 230pm on Tuesday April 26th. Think educational stand-up comedy meets reality TV!
Thanks to Michelle, Christina R. Jeff(s) and Rob PLUS Latoya and Kendall for trying to help me post audio, we had technical difficulties. The Magic schoolbus driver offers her "skills of gratitude and sweet fashion advice." You all look like midieval warriors to me!
Our class and blog are an open, minimally censored environment, but as cultural critics and potential rock star bloggers, we must analyze audience! Don't use language that excludes others based on race, class and/or gender, you narrow your audience. That's just how I roll. Blog on my virtual brothers and sisters!--
Wheeler, OUT
(That's how Ryan Seacrest signs off from American Idol
PS: Respond to THIS posting if so moved, with 5 lines minimum by telling us a hilarious real life experience that makes you an expert on argumentation and humor or responding to some one else's funny story or discussing Napoleon Dynamite as huorous argument.
Don't forget: April 30th at 830am for forty possible Extra Credit G's!
Library Test is due with 80% or better.
Unicorns rock SO bond with other Uni-fans at (wink)
this is Kevin posting under Matin's name, mine's still f'd up.
Holy fuck Jeff, that has to be the most disgusting story I've heard in a long time...way too graphic, I hope that was made up. Thanks for sharing. As for me, I don't get embarrassed very easily, so I'll tell you a story about my roommate and fellow class member Guy. G and I were talking to one of our friends about her boyfriend and G tried to say, he looks like a fun guy to hang out with, instead he said that her boyfriend is "a funny looking guy." I thought it was hillarious, and when he tried to correct himself he only made it worse, how embarrassing! ...for him. hahahaha
Elaine, that is caraazy..."How sexy you would look climbing a tree??????" What a whack-job!!!! I am glad he wasn't dangerous, just weird and, apparently, really into Penut Butter...ewwww! Hope everyone does well today at the tournament!
Sandra Patrice
PS: Okay, here's my embarassing story: When I was little, purple was my favorite color and I had a serious lying problem. In first grade, Mrs. Indelicato asked the whole class of six-year-olds how long it took each of us to learn how to walk after we were born. Since we had just seen a movie about cows and having baby calves and horses having colts, which all can stand and walk in a few hours, I totally raised my hand and proudly announced that I had learned to walk within two hours of being born!!! As if that wasn't BAD enough, when Mrs Indelicato called me on my fib by ever-so-gently saying, "That is impossible you big fat curly-headed liar liar pants on fire," I raised my hand AGAIN and skillfully covered up my lie by saying: "Oh, sorry I just now remembered, It was TWO DAYS after being born, not two hours." I got sent out to the hallway until reccess and she called my Mom. After the heartbreaking news that her precious lil' baby was a liar, my Mom responded: "So, I guess this means that you haven't been giving the students extra credit for wearing purple outfits every single day since school started either? I got a spanking, which I explained to all of the other children was a result of my own mother's insane jelousy, for it had taken her TWO WHOLE WEEKS to learn how to walk when she was born.
So it's sophomore year of high school, and we're out on a fieldtrip to go bowling. Being the self-conscious bunch of teenagers my group was, no one wanted to bowl first -- because as we all know bowling + people = an accident waiting to happen. (Unless of course you're a pro.) Anyway, somehow I manage to be volunteered first -- which is probably why I hate going first at anything nowadays. I take one of those kiddie balls -- those 6 lb. ones. I step up and I'm in my backswing when I realize my thumb is stuck in the hole. I hope to God that it'll release as I release the ball and everything will go smoothly, but the exact opposite happens. My thumb managed to get unstuck midswing and I was able to release the ball, not where it was intended though. The ball headed straight for the ceiling. It nudged the ceiling and landed in the middle of the lane with a big *thud* as it rolled like 3 MPH towards the pin. One of the employees walks over to our lane, the middle most lane in the entire alley, and walks down my lane to retrieve my ball. He walks back and hands the ball to me and doesn't say a word -- but the look in his eyes say it all. And if that wasn't bad enough it felt like everyone on either side of me stopped bowling just to look at me with that "You're stupid" look. And that was and will always be the last time I've been bowling.
I am an expert on argumentation for three reasons. 1: My dad's a lawyer and try as I might, I will NEVER win. 2:My sister's a lawyer and try as I might, I will NEVER win. 3: I got into a hit-and-run and had to deal with the insurance company. Tried as much as I could-never won. So quick version ? Going on the freeway, friend's driving my car, we stop for traffic, jerk behind us never stops, hits my car and leaves. So, 768 phones calls, and endless screaming with the horrible insurance adjuster Raul, 500 dollars and a month and half later I get my car back. What did I learn ? I am a pretty good debater, but when it comes to lawyers and insurance agents, you never win.
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